© Josephine Wall. All Rights Reserved. www.josephinewall.com
Q Light Generator
Please use Q Generator gradually: first day 3 min, next day 5 min, next day 10 min. After that you can start to use it up to 40 min a day and even few times a day. Please use FLASH MODE for the internal organs and head area. Avoid neck area, light can be to strong for the thyroid. Please use DIRECT MODE for the arms and legs. And always drink at least 1 glass of water right after !
Wishing you Great HEALTH!
Please note: The assembly of the order takes approximately 3-10 working days
We Can Not send USB by Fast Shipping companies like FEDEX, UPS or DHL, because USB count as a electronic carrier of information
Russian Post tracking packages and deliveries
NEW LINK for the TRACKING : https://parcelsapp.com/en/carriers/russian-post
buy Rezotone 12
REZOTONE USB key : Gasoline saving
When REZOTONE USB is in vehicle, the surrounding space is harmonised, and driver will not feel tired. Motor works efficiently causing the structure of gasoline to change. As a result, it saves gasoline up to 18-30% depending on the vehicle model.Check how much gasoline is required for 100km without USB. The USB is required to be placed in vehicle 12 hours prior driving. Fill the tank up to the very top, first and second time, and use the same gasoline station and the same column.After use there is a noticeable difference in efficiency. It also works for trains, boats and small airplanes. Example: In Russian Siberia, during the wintertime, temperature falls to -50 C below zero. There is no heating garages for big cars like BELAZ. The motor in the vehiclework from autumn until springtime without stop over. By using this technology,saving for the gasoline was up to 30%.
Fuel saving – Rezotone R8A
Rezotone R8A was specially designed as a low cost long life device for fuel saving in passanger cars.
WATER FILTER has received a Silver medal at the International competition in Brussels. It’s handheld size, around the same as Quantum generator and you can carry it with you during your trips. The gold medal was awarded for a huge filter, which worked by electricity and sky rock in price.
If you filter via the Rezotone water filter, cognac, brandy or dark strong vine it will come out PURE WATER !!!! : ) I have drunk water only from this filter since 2008. It is easy to change to put in a new filter cartridge. In 2012 I did trials with 17 people In Australia and each of them was very surprised how much purer the Rezotone filtered water tasted to normal tap water. Since all of them use our water filter and all their friends !
Will be send without BOX to reduce weight & tax
DISK Made on the basis of a unique natural mineral – shungite. Healing properties shungite devoted thousands of articles and scientific publications. Silicon-carbon structure of the mineral ideal “remembers” the bio-information and translates it in need of correction agencies.
Our disks have Life long guarantee. Person who healed, usually gift or re-sale to friends, other people .
Guidelines for use.
Applicator consists of shungite disk and magnetic fastening.
Person should attach disc toward skin and with the magnet attach second side to the clothes, magnet will be on top of the fabric from another side.
about SSF technology:
# 1.
SSF «LIVER», shungite disk
The «LIVER» signal is a synthesis of optimized spectral characteristics, the most expensive and effective natural components used in official pharmaceuticals. « SSF LIVER» is guaranteed to help the recovery and normal functioning of liver cells.
Indications for use (as part of complex therapy or monotherapy – prevention):
– hepatitis (acute and chronic), toxic hepatitis, medicinal and alcoholic liver damage, poisoning;
– fatty liver dystrophy (diabetes mellitus, chronic infections);
– cirrhosis of the liver;
– liver failure;
– hyperlipoproteinemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia;
– chronic pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
– psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis, eczema;
– prevention of premature aging.
Poor ecology, polluted water, products with preservatives, chemically impregnated vegetables and fruits, alcohol abuse lead to pathological processes in the liver and pancreas. According to statistics, 82% of people over the age of 30 already have abnormalities in these vital organs. At the same time, the onset of pathology is almost asymptomatic! SSF technology allows timely and absolutely harmless prevention, eliminating the danger of irreversible changes. In case of already manifested diseases, regular use of SSF signals will restore your health.
# 2
SSF” Pancreas”, shungite disk
SSF “Pancreas” shungite disk is a balanced synthesis of purified and enhanced spectral information characteristics of effective NATURAL components used in official pharmaceuticals. SSF “Pancreas” is guaranteed to help the recovery and normal functioning of the pancreas.
Indications for use: Chronic pancreatitis, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, their preventio, hereditary predisposition to diabetes, metabolic disorders – increased blood fat content – hyperlipidemia, obesity, alcohol abuse, smoking, diseases of the digestive system, primarily the gallbladder and biliary tract, transmitted infections (viral, bacterial, helminthic), prolonged use of medications, primarily hormones and antibiotics, bloating, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea.
Environmental problems, polluted water, low-quality products, stress lead to pathological, often irreversible, processes in the pancreas. SSF “Pancreas” allows timely and absolutely harmless recovery and prevention, eliminating the danger of irreversible changes.
SSF «MAN»shungite disk
The signal of the special spectral form SSF «MAN» is a synthesis of pure spectral characteristics, carefully selected by andrologists, the most expensive and effective natural medicinal components used in official pharmaceuticals. SSF «MAN» is guaranteed to help restore and normal functioning of the genitourinary system. According to statistics, 70% of people over 40 already have abnormalities in these vital organs. At the same time, the onset of pathological processes is almost asymptomatic! SSF technology allows timely and absolutely harmless prevention, eliminating the danger of irreversible changes. In case of already manifested diseases, regular use of SSF signals will really restore your health!
Indications for use:
· for adrenogenital disorders,
· hypofunctions of the testicles,
· with prostatic hypertrophy,
· underdevelopment of the genitals,
· endocrine impotence,
· oligospermia,
· decreased libido and other diseases of the male genital organs,
· with a decrease in mental and physical activity.
At the same time, protein synthesis increases, the development of muscles, as well as the supply of calcium to bones. Moreover, sexual behavior is regulated, thereby causing attraction in both partners.
For women with diseases:
· uterine fibroids,
· endometriosis,
· osteoporosis,
· hyperestrogenism,
· breast cancer,
· with abnormal bleeding from the uterus and vagina,
· menopausal and menopausal condition.
# 4. SSF « HEART , shungite disk
SSF « HEART « – as part of complex therapy effectively corrects disorders in cardiovascular diseases: heart attacks, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, angina pectoris, arrhythmias.
– reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and heart attacks.
– cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic effects in heart failure, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, coronary atherosclerosis, cardioneurosis, increased excitability.
– has a vasodilating effect – asthma attacks, dizziness, palpitations, tinnitus are prevented,
– increases the elasticity of the vessel walls,
– has an antioxidant effect, lowers cholesterol;
– reduces thrombosis in veins and arteries;
– regeneration of heart muscle tissues;
– has a pronounced decongestant effect;
– normalizes blood pressure;
– restores biorhythms.
Do not use at night this SSF « HEART , shungite disk.

“It is truly AMAZING and my favourite, I always have it on me. INSTANT pain relief if skin gets cuts, blisters, wounds, scratches, abrasions, etc. I decided to introduce it to our dear REZOTONE customers”
~ JULIA RA, Rezotone Founder
Lots of all kinds of creams exist on the market, but our skin makes that skin PREVENT that anything will go inside !
So the inventor was smiling at all these creams and created this spectral information BALM, which with contact with the skin will teach skin what to do and how to heal.
A natural universal remedy for the protection and restoration of the skin.
It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, healing, rejuvenating and analgesic effects.
– for various skin injuries: frostbite, burns, redness, irritation, wounds, cuts, cracks, abrasions, scratches, inflammation, suppuration, diaper rash, bedsores, eczema, stretch marks, peeling, swelling, boils, acne, viral warts, seborrhoea, insect bites and venomous snakes.
– for arthritis, joint diseases, varicose veins.
As a cosmetic product, it perfectly softens the skin, nourishes it with valuable oils and minerals, restores and rejuvenates.
The delicate texture is suitable for everyone: both adults and children
It has a pleasant smell, softly and easily lays down when applied.
Modern research in the field of the effects of plant components and minerals on tissues, together with ancient knowledge about human nature, has allowed us to recreate a unique healing agent. Special components and rare oils ensure excellent preservation of this natural product.
Ingredients: natural oils: corn, hemp, amaranth, monarch, castor oil; essential oils of thuja, fir, cedar, lavender; beeswax, cedar oleo- resin with chestnut, tincture of hemp root; extracts of oil nettle, yarrow, burdock, chamomile, calendula, peppermint, Kuril tea, kalgan; vitamins A, E.
In winter, before going outside and at night, lubricate the lips, cheeks and nasal mucosa with balm.
Small wounds, cuts, scratches, abrasions should be lubricated with Tibetan balm several times a day, larger ones should first be disinfected, then apply the balm and close the cut with a patch or bandage.
# 1 SFS. Spectrum signal: «A STRONG SPIRIT IN A HEALTHY BODY».
8 colours:
A new product is brought to you by the creators of the USB Rezotone
Made from 100% silicone, the bracelets are comfortable to wear.
They retain information and transmit it to the organs that need healing.
Let us know what colors you want at checkout
LIST of SFS Spectrum signals:
# 1. Spectrum signal: «A STRONG SPIRIT IN A HEALTHY BODY». it will be MULTICOLORED. , all kind of colors bracelets
- The SFS signal in the bracelet may help to strengthen the immune system:
eliminates the risk of contracting viral diseases, and
in case of infection, creates the prerequisites for a rapid recovery.
2.The SFS signal also increases the ability of somatic tissues to regenerate.
- The SFS signal helps to cleanse the body of toxins.
PLUS, it will repel entities, purify and protect the aura from negative influences, eliminates energy holes in the aura created artificially or as a result of severe stress or attacks.
#2, # 3, #4 SFS. Spectrum signal
ANY 2 bracelets FREE for 1 order.
3 colours: bright GREEN, BLUE, GREY.
( # 5 BLACK colour, + extra FREE with any order, please let us know about results )
# 2.
SFS Spectrum signal: “Anti-stress”, BLUE COLORED bracelet
the blue bracelet creates a focused mind, ex: more focused while driving, less distractions mean less accidents on the road. Builds confidence in any situation.
This bracelet help the driver while driving:
Also Applies:
– for stress, nervous disorders,
– for cardiac arrhythmia, sleep disorders,
– to limit the craving for alcohol, a hangover condition,
– tobacco abuse,
– with hyperactivity in children.
# 3. SFS Spectrum signal: « IDEA» GREY COLORED bracelet
– improves blood circulation in functional disorders of the blood vessels of the brain, increases cerebral blood flow in the arterial, capillary and venous channels, and the increase in blood flow is not accompanied by hypotension or any other change in pressure.
– normalizes the metabolic processes of the neuron-reception and transmission of the nerve impulse, i.e. increases the speed of thinking.
– it has an antioxidant effect, increases the consumption of oxygen and glucose by the brain.
– has a pronounced decongestant effect of brain tissues.
– fast pronounced effect of restoring memory functions.
– improve attention and concentration, thinking ability, and mental clarity.
– improved hearing and vision.
«IDEA»spectral signal very good for the brain healing and it also protect from spike proteins, removes stagnation, and headaches, people love it.
Limit the use of the bracelet after 5-6 pm, or you’ll have a hard time falling asleep, you will have high energy from the use of the bracelet, and the mind won’t want to sleep.. During the initial use of the bracelet, you might experience sensations in the body, this is normal. As the SFS energy is cleaning out the body from toxins. Start wearing the bracelet gradually, eventually leaving it on your hand 24/7 if you wish.
# 4. SFS Spectrum signal «ENERGY», BRIGHT GREEN COLOURED bracelet
This energy bracelet is used to restore strength in people who have suffered from illness and stress, who engage in hard physical labor, such as athletes.
It has a general toning and restorative effect.
Increases physical and mental performance and endurance.
Improves the body’s resistance to environmental factors, increases immunity, normalizes sleep, reaction rate and memory.
Helps to resist stress and mitigate its effects.
Attention! It is advisable to wear the bracelet in the morning, it is more careful for people with high blood pressure.
It is not advised during pregnancy and lactation.
# 5. SFS Spectrum signal: «MAN», BLACK COLOR
SFS Spectrum signal: «MAN» now we testing on bracelets, free with any order.
The signal of the special spectral form SSF «MAN» is a synthesis of pure spectral characteristics, the most expensive and effective natural medicinal components used in official pharmaceuticals.
SSF «MAN» may help restore and normal functioning of the genitourinary system. According to statistics, 70% of people over 40 already have abnormalities in these vital organs. At the same time, the onset of pathological processes is almost asymptomatic! SSF technology may help prevention of these. In case of already manifested diseases, regular use of SSF signals may help to restore your health
Indications for use, may offer support with:
· adreno-genital disorders,· hypo-functions of the testicles,· with pro-static hypertrophy,· underdevelopment of the genitals,· endocrine impotence,· oligospermia, decreased libido and other diseases of the male genital organs,· decrease in mental and physical activity. At the same time, protein synthesis increases, the development of muscles, as well as the supply of calcium to bones. Moreover, sexual behavior is regulated, thereby causing attraction in both partners.