About Rezotone USB
Our company was opened in 2019. Miracle Enterprising Innovations, was then added as a second name, because real miracles happening on daily basis, when people using REZOTONE USB.
Dear REZOTONE customers,
Our Testimonials page contains many letters from customers, about situations when Rezotone literally saved their lives. https://5grezotoneshield.com/testimonials/ We are proud to inform you that we now have a new program that was created by our scientists for the REZOTONE USB, which was added automatically to every Rezotone on Earth.
To explain how it works: There is a repulsion effect, like a spring, if and when the person is in a dangerous situation. For example: If a dangerous object is moving towards the person, or finds themself in a dangerous situation while driving in the car, the Superior Intelligence will assist the person with the rezotone to remain safe and to be protected in the best way possible.
Testing: There were 4 groups in a controlled Test, done by the Wagner military. The Rezotone USB programs were added to the tanks, military vests and so on. 160 people participated. Forty in each group. The first group of 40, who carried the Rezotone USB protection all (100%) survived dangerous situations without injury. In the other groups of 40: 20, 22 and up to 25 people in the same test, who sadly did not have the Rezotone USB, sustained injury and some lost their lives.
***All prior programs that were included in the Rezotone USB have been upgraded and will now have a stronger effect.
Enjoy your Rezotone upgrade and please let us know what you experience.
Our team was born in 1989 as a group of prominent Russian scientists, working in high technologies fields together with the Angelic benevolent race.
We develop new technologies and new materials for fuel economy and Power generators, Security, Health, Environmental protection, and best protection from EMF& 5G.
Rezotone USB device was created in 2011, has a license issued by the Russian government, certificate and 5 patents. It have 85 healing programs for each organ and each system, metabolism, rejuvenation programs, anti-stress and pain relief, but alsoprograms which made people kind, carrying, cooperative with each other.
With the Rezotone: good longer restful sleep, cleaning sinuses Remove radiation and harmful electro-magnetic influences. Good relationship in family, harmony in relationships. Better concentration, stronger motivation to do things which was on hold for a long time. Gasoline savings, Improving work of motor and all mechanism in the car. Less accidents on the road. Nails start stronger, hair grow faster. Children listen parents, stop fighting wit sibling, study very good, No absents from school. Remove psychic attacks and sending back to the source. Pain relief. Give extra power and strength to elderly people…More plasticity of the body for the yoga & ballet.
*** Our USB REZOTONES located all over the world with our customers, but USBs literary talking with each other, it was recorded and have programs from benevolent race, which fixing each other on a distance. Amazingly USB REZOTONES still working after spent winter outside! Testimonails below.
As soon as new programs will be added in USB, it will be spreading instantly in all USBs REZOTONE on the Earth.
Angelic benevolent race warned scientist long before about future hazards for the people and protection programs was developed ahead of time, for example when « spike protein» problem arrived or possible hunger, program was added for the metabolism navigate for the survival.

Angelic race added their own programs to USB time to time, for example anti-gravity program.
When there was an explosion at Fukushima, the Russian far East was protected from radiation by similar programs on flash USB cards, they were put on cell towers.
A Russian team of scientists has collected data from 3,000 people who have already used USB REZOTONE over the past years. Some of these people worked in highly toxic radioactive and electromagnetic hazardous areas. But by using a protective USB REZOTONE, it gave them extraordinary positive health results with no side effects from radiation. Most amazingly, in many cases it improved well being to a much higher level, following exposure to 5G. Scientific research Institutes in Russia, independent from each other, was studied programs and we have book of Testimonials.Here some examples:
The Rezotone 12 is the # 1 device on the planet against radiation & EMF, which will help to be protected from 5G. And it is not affecting work of the gadgets which working on 5G.
Please see: REZOTONE compared to other devices
***The process is that of converting harmful radiation into useful radiation.
The radiation itself does not disappear, but is converted into another form.
Detailed experiments on reducing the magnitude of the signal from a microwave source in the range of 1-20 GHz, on which the structure we created, were shown, showed that the minimum signal decrease was 14 dB and the maximum was 54 dB. When electricity of the USB turned off from, the radius of action is reduced to the size of a person’s own electromagnetic field, because the structure on the device’s antenna works without a radiator.
***The effect is not limited to EMF, there is a powerful positive effect on all physiological
and geo-biological parameters, reducing or removing quite a lot of geopathic zones inside and out. Including Curry and Hartman Grids.
***There are less accidents on the roads, because REZOTONE raises sensing abilities of
the drivers and harmonizes coordination of the car, especially when surrounded by
other cars.
***Programs support positive people and do not give strength to the
negative.This is the principle of Bushido, that extends to the universe: “Do it right, and you will become invincible!”
WILLIAM, SCOTLAND, 8 of March 2020Rezotone technology will be a life-saver for those who accept it.
KARLA, COLORADO CITY, USA,The Rezotone has saved my life!! Literally!!
FINOLA, IRELAND Julia, something happened yesterday and I really think the Rezotone saved me.
Sincerely, Julia RA, ( SVADIHATRA)
FOUNDER of Miracle Enterprising Innovations, REZOTONE
Rezotone USB 5G Protection & Shield
TESTIMONIALS from customers:
*** A story of unbelievable good fortune for me whilst driving yesterday…
- *** I plugged it in and noticed within 24 hours a real calming effect on my body… immediately felt less anxious and I could think more clearly and felt more energy.
- ***Profound shift in the energy around me using phones, computer… I sleep better, have more clarity…
- ***Muscle test result, could not get my arm to go weak as long as the Rezotone was in my hand…
- *** Skin had red spots from EMF exposure, completely vanished during the previous night after using USB!
- *** Love this device & from what I can tell, the Russians have always had some amazing tech…
- *** After I had bought USB REZOTONE, I noticed that it normalized my blood pressure and stopped my heart fibrillations, which I always had after EMF exposure ”.
*** My parents had fatigue, headaches, dizziness, heart related issues, walking problems, memory problems, etc. which were getting serious. However, after I purchased the USBs for them, they are a lot more alive, stable in health and most of these problems have improved tremendously (if they had 100% symptoms before, it seems that they have about 10% symptoms now).
***I took the Rezotone USB and plugged it into the WIFI router and instantly he could feel the entire HOUSE was clear. We both found that to be remarkable!
*** I felt my sinuses open up and could feel myself breathing down to my toes.
*** first time I plugged it in I felt the immediate relieve
*** My friend with stroke, reported that now sleeping very well.He feels calm within himself too, and his speech seems very clear, and 100% normal. He mentions having much reduced negative thoughts.
*** The first night I used the REZOTONE I slept for 11 hours
*** protected from 5G microwave radiation is possible
*** I slept with REZOTONE USB last night .The room felt abnormally peaceful. Still monitoring results, but man, these things work FAR better than the Q-Links
*** I do notice a difference. Without the device I feel a weird tingling sensation and get headaches most of the time. I no longer experience these discomforts around WiFi while the Rezotone USB is plugged in the modem. Thumbs up for this incredible technology!
*** I normally wake a few times at night and then get up at 6-6:30am. Last night I woke up once, fell back to sleep and did not wake up until 9am. it was the longest nights sleep I’ve had in a very long time
USB REZOTONES still working after spent winter outside.
From Mary T Menger, Colorado
Last fall I misplaced my Rezotone 12 USB. Fortunately I had the cap on it as it was out there all winter, under all the snow and rain. I brought it inside and put it in a bowl of rice to absorb any condensation for 24 hours. The next day I plugged it in and the light came on. It still works!!! I’m so very happy and grateful for such a magical and miraculous happening!
Yes, and mine REZOTONE even WORKS still!!!
My wonderful husband found my Rezotone in our garden after winter, as we were getting ready to plant springtime!!
So thankful to our sweet angels!! 🤍🤍🤍
😁🤗🥰 Thank you so much Angels!! 🤍