Rezotone USB device was created in 2011, has a license issued by the Russian government and 5 patents.
When there was an explosion at Fukushima, the Russian far East was protected from radiation by similar programs on flash USB cards, they were put on cell towers. Because these USB REZOTONE can protect the house, the room and the people inside. A Russian team of scientists has collected data from 3,000 people who have already used USB REZOTONE over the past years. Some of these people worked in highly toxic radioactive and electromagnetic hazardous areas. But by using a protective USB REZOTONE, it gave them extraordinary positive health results with no side effects from radiation.
At the time of the most intense radioactivity, which was in the FUKUSHIMA area, REZOTONE company installed 1,500 mobile communications repeaters along the perimeter from Vladivostok to Kamchatka with REZOTONE USB ports with special protection programs. As a result, radiation in the entire Far East of Russia was at the level of 0.9 microrentgen/hour, which is 10 times less than now in the Moscow area for example.
WILLIAM, SCOTLAND, 8 of March 2020
Rezotone technology will be a life-saver for those who accept it. Unfortunately, the majority will not accept or believe in it, but lives will be saved for those who do.
Julia, something happened yesterday and I really think the Rezotone saved me.
Hello Beautiful Julia,
I would like to also say that I am enjoying my fuel/gas savings in my car. I am truly grateful for the savings. Thank you to the Angels and All of You. You are greatly appreciated.
All the best, NORM, UK
Lots of all kind of creams exist on the market, but our skin made the way that skin PREVENT that anything will go inside ! So REZOTONE inventors was smile at all this creams and created this spectral information BALM, which with contact with the skin will teach skin what to do and how to healed.
It is truly AMAZING and my favorite, I always have it on me. INSTANT pain relief if skin gets cuts, blisters, wounds, scratches, abrasions,ets. I decided to introduce it to our dear REZOTONE customers
~ JULIA RA~ , Rezotone Founder
Thank you SO much for the samples of skin balm. My 11 year old identical twin girls and myself absolutely LOVE to use it on our faces as a night cream after evening shower. As well as in the morning for an all day moisturizer after morning shower. We can feel the high vibration instantly!! It makes such a big difference! We love it so much! All of our skin has become so much more glowing, beautiful and vibrant! It healed and cleared up my twins girls’ acne clear right away. Within maybe 3 days. My sunspots have faded significantly as well, very noticeable difference. My skin is way smoother and softer. Helps super good with the fine lines and wrinkles as well. They’ve filled in a lot. I’ve noticed my face is much more toned and glowing! I wish I would have taken a good before and after picture. We ran out and can’t wait to get more to always have on our hands! We want to stock up on it!
Thank you Julia! Thank you Sweet Scientists that work so hard to make these wonderful products! We miss it and looking forward to our next shipment!! We call it our one and only skin calm! The only skin care product that I’ve found that I’ve used that actually works!!! And it works GOOD!!!! It makes your skin feel so good!!!! Thanks again! Much love!!
Karla, Nikeah, and Nevaeh
Colorado City, AZ USA
Little boy on the beach hit his big finger on the leg, he was screaming and crying enormous, lots of blood on this little leg.He was very scared
Around him staying his parents and grandparents and even aunt.
They asking him lets them put some disinfection solution or wrap finger with the tape. He do not want this at all and crying even more loudly.
I show to him little rezotone sample with the SKIN BALM, no he don’t want it at all… so what I did I just put little amount on his full of blood finger.
Boy stop crying instantly ! Everybody turn to me and ask what I did, what is this type of magic ?
I gifted to his mother this little REZOTONE SKIN BALM. I am sure that everyone should have at home one like this, so good that I have 2 more at home.
Sally, November 15, 2023
Dear Julia,
I am thrilled to have now received both my 2nd Rezotone and the Generator.
Thank you so much for making available these wonderful devices for our health, wellbeing and happiness.
Love them ❤️ The Generator makes me feel happy and whizzy!
Wishing you the best, Sally x
Kyle, Ceri, USA
Arne M.B. Switzerland, November 2020
Before when I went into the city of Zürich, which has very strong 5G, I would come back home drained out and energetically disturbed. It would take me at least 12 hours or more to recuperate. Now with the Rezotone in my pocket, I can be among a big crowd and in the middle of radiation feeling very centered, grounded and protected. This is almost unbelievable! I come home and my energy is still up and positive. Also in the house I enjoy very much when Rezotone is in the USB charger, the whole house feels very clean and uplifting.
EVA, FREISTADT, AUSTRIA, 25th of March 2020
I have the USB 6 weeks now and I´m so glad and grateful for it! When 5g was rolled out in my city, I felt so sensitive to it, that I thought I have to move somewhere else. Now with the USB, I feel the radiation much less when in the city. Most effectively I feel the protection in my apartment. When entering there is a welcoming and relaxed energy, because it is cleared from disturbing radiation. The first time I plugged it in I felt the immediate relieve in minutes and the first night I couldn’t´t sleep because I was so filled up of the energy coming back to me:) Now I sleep like a baby. My 8 year old son and I enjoy both this cleared environment and there is more space for Love, that´s the best part of it! I began to use it in my yoga classes and there is so much more free energy for everybody to breath, to move and to fill our bodies and minds with good vibrations! I am grateful, every single day!
Thank you all for your brilliant work!
Have a fulfilling day!
Warm Regards
My experience is upon receiving the 5G REZOTONE shield,
I plugged it in and noticed within 24 hours a real calming effect on my body. I immediately felt less anxious and I could think more clearly and felt more energy. I did as recommended and held it on my body when I felt the need to take a nap during the day…. often when the Schumann Frequency was spiking as I’m very energy sensitive.
I started noticing I felt much better than I used to when these high spikes happened between 70-120HZ. After I feel calmer, not so agitated and no need to go hop in a bath which I used to do to calm my body. I take it with me when I’m driving because California is loaded with 5G WIFI towers.
However, nothing prepared me for what I witnessed in my father who lives with me and has military PTSD and has been grieving very hard since losing my MOM 5 months ago after nearly 60 years together.
Previous to purchasing and plugging in the 5G Rezotone Shield in our home, I had a hard time getting him to eat dinner and he would go to bed crying every night. This was a regular occurrence for 5 months. Within two weeks of having this amazing device plugged in, he started calming down and making more jokes during the day and wanting to get out of the house more.
Within 3 weeks, he was eating dinner with me just about every night and crying only a few nights per week. After a month, he is going to bed feeling hope about the future again. I know my father very well, and I’m absolutely sure he would not have experienced this emotional turnabout if he were not exposed to the healing properties of this device on our physical, emotional, mental, etheric bodies and I’m so very grateful to 5G Rezotone Shield. I have subsequently purchased the devices for all members of my family as they are so handy to take with you wherever you go. I truly feel everyone living in CA should have at least one of these devices for EMF protection and while 5G may not be in your area yet, LTE still emits very harmful EMF’s and deserves your protection. However 5G is so much worse and is being rolled out to more and more U.S. cities across the country in 2020.
Here’s a 5G coverage map where you can type in your zipcode to see what you are exposed to now: https://www.t-mobile.com/coverage/5g-coverage-map
BILL, SCOTLAND , 5 of March 2020
A story of unbelievable good fortune for me whilst driving yesterday.
I had my Rezotone plugged into power socket in my Land Rover Defender for my journey
Driving my Defender over a country mountain road, it was cold, with snow on the ground, but the road was clear for the majority of the time. I came onto this corner, which had snow all over the road,… I was going to fast for the conditions, but could not slow down in time….the car started to skid, and the corner became sharper….. the car started heading for the verge, and I could see a drop at the other side of the verge…… I started to think that I was going to go over the verge, and there was nothing I could do. All of a sudden, the wheels found grip on the snow, and the car went round the corner as if it were on rails. Everything was Ok,… my heart was pounding, and I felt weak and shocked inside. I immediately thanked the Angel which had saved me.. It was truly an amazing event, I have no other explanation for it.
Whether this is the result of the Rezotone, and associated energies, I don’t know…… have you any thoughts?
More Rezotone news….. I live in the country, about 50 miles from main town, Aberdeen. It is very peaceful here, with poor mobile coverage. Usually, when I spend a day in town on business, I come home generally quite tired and it takes me next day to recover.
I have been in town for 2 days this week, with Rezotone plugged in car, and on my body when out of car. I have not felt any negative effects of being in town.
Also, there is another shopping center, where I occasionally visit, which has a big police cell tower very close. When visiting this place, I have felt disorientated, and unwell on a number of occasions previously. Today, I visited, with Rezotone on my body, and felt no ill effects at all.
My friend with stroke, reported that his sleep was disturbed for the first 3 nights, but is now sleeping very well. He feels calm within himself too, and his speech seems very clear, and 100% normal. He mentions having much reduced negative thoughts.
Trust you find the above of interest, and look forward to our future Rezotone journey.
KAREN, ILLINOIS, 3 of March 2020
I received the Rezotone late yesterday and wanted to share with you some of my experiences with the device so far.
Today I went to my chiropractor’s office to pick up some supplements…she knew that I had just received the Rezotone and wanted to see and test it because we have both been looking for something that offers 5G protection. We started with a hair dryer, she muscle tested me but could not get my arm to go weak as long as the Rezotone was in my hand or in the room. She moved it to another room far enough away so she could get a weak response with the hair dryer on and then repeated it again with the Rezotone in the room and I was rock strong again. She then muscle tested me touching the computer, the router and cell phone in her front office without the Rezotone on me or in the room and my arm went weak. We tested again with me touching the computer, the router, and the cell phone while I held the Rezotone and then again with the Rezotone a few feet away and I tested strong as a rock both times. Plus the smart meter is on the wall outside her office which we didn’t go outside to check but if it was pulsing at the time we were testing inside, it had no effect. My chiropractor held the device as well and was very impressed with what she was feeling.
Last night, I soaked in the tub and had the computer in the bathroom so I could listen to a meditative journey. I also had the Rezotone plugged into the outlet. When I first got into the tub I could feel my whole body, especially the stomach area just abuzz, almost like getting the chills but I wasn’t cold. I felt those sensations for quite a while throughout the meditation, about 10 minutes before I got out of the tub, the sensations stopped. I felt like a wet noodle afterwards, took me forever to dry off and get ready for bed. Went downstairs and had some Vit. C and lemon juice in 20 ounces of Divinia Water and then went to bed. That was an experience! LOL!!! I went to bed with a slight headache and woke up with it, had it throughout the day and then it just went away. Yeah!
Also, when I went to bed after the meditative soak in the tub, I felt my sinuses open up and could feel myself breathing down to my toes while laying in bed…it was almost as though I could feel all the cells breathing in my body. What a blessing! My sinuses have been a little closed up today, but not bad at all. Just waiting to see if they clear up more tonight…that would be wonderful!
It has now been a week since I received my Rezotone Shield. Last night I was studying for a quiz and it was very late at night. I had focus, understanding and retention like I have never experienced before. This is huge for me because I had suffered a concussion 4 years ago that affected my memory and ability to focus and retain information.
Julia, thank you
I have had my REZOTONE for more than 2 weeks and this is my experience in the first week:
I plugged the Rezotone into my pc (which I was subsequently told that it was recommended not to do as it has 15 programs and can overload the pc). After several hours on the computer on the first evening I felt my right nostril started to throb and clear? It felt somewhat similar to when one’s sinus starts to clear after a cold / plugged nose. However, I didn’t have a cold and thought that my nasal passages were perfectly clear already. On the second night my other nostril started to pulse … which again, I thought was clear! The throbbing in my nasal passages continued for about 4 days. I didn’t know what was going on, however I’ll try just about anything for health!
I remember thinking it felt like there was an open passage in my nose/brain that was so big that I could inhale an entire ship into my nasal passages and it would come out in Russia! LOL!!! Fast forward to day 5 – I felt like I needed to blow my nose and was shocked when I saw a BRIGHT NEON YELLOW liquid in my Kleenex! I thought… omg… I must have a perforation in my nose.. and was concerned that I could possibly be oozing some kind of cranial fluid!
In a panic I made an appt. with my Doctor for the following day just to make sure there wasn’t a hole in my nose leading to my brain! I sent a panic email to Jim (whom I contacted and spoke with at length before buying the Rezotone and was satisfied that it was real and not just internet hype). I asked him to send my panic email to Julia (the originator in Russia) in case she had any experience with what I was going through.
Julia called me (from Russia) within an hour at 11pm and was very excited! She told me not to worry that I was very lucky that this happened and that I should write a testimonial about it. She said that there were 15 programs within the Rezotone, some assisting with health and immunity. I was in a bit of a panic when Julia called because I was having this big detox and was very concerned … so I’ll share what I learned because it helped me to understand what was happening.
The neon yellow discharge happened 3x in the same day followed by a light clear discharge. I cancelled my Dr.’s appt. and I am totally fine now with a ‘new’ nose and a clearer brain – Huge BONUS! I still feel like a kid with a new toy and I’m still getting used to my new norm of amazing breathing and clarity! I can still feel like things are happening (slight pulsing in my nasal cavities and further up) and the clear breathing and feeling are getting even better!
About my detox: Julia told me that there are doctors in Russia and other countries who do a procedure to clear the sinus (similar to what I experienced) but they use steroids. Apparently it’s complex and expensive and doesn’t always work, so I really feel lucky!
The first night I used the REZOTONE I slept for 11 hours. I sleep with it plugged into a power bar in my bathroom (next to my bedroom). It was too powerful next to my bed.
The reason why I’ve been searching for a 5G protection tool is that I personally experienced what 5G felt like. It felt like I had stuck my fingers into a live socket and there was shards of glass running in my body vibrating dis-harmonically! It was a horrible experience! I was really looking to find the right product (if it existed) to help with some Wi-Fi/5G Radiation protection. I wanted to know as much as I could… so she explained a lot and I made some notes:
Here is some of what I learned: Julia said that you can’t ‘get rid of Wi-fi/5G radiation, but that the Rezotone Key transforms the Radiation and that it has other programs that assist with detox and health support… I had NO idea! I thought it was just for Wi-fi Radiation/5G! Also can improve gas mileage!!!
I told Julia that intuitively I was not drawn to the other USB Shield which is being marketed and I got a “NO” as to its effectiveness for me personally. That is when she told me that there is some ‘shade going on’ with a product which appears to be very similar to the bioshield, and is a simple USB LED Light being sold by one of the big sites for under $10. (without the Logo), and looks very similar! I follow my own guidance which is always recommended.
The Rezotone is hand-made in Russia and has 5 patents, Scientists technology, Government License and Certificate, and she said that it has been tested more than 3000 x by the army in radioactive areas; also that is being used personally by the head of their Country. <End of my notes>
My best advice is to get as many facts and use discernment when it comes to protecting yourself. I very rarely write a review, however I find it helpful when other people do… so I’m returning the favor. These are critical times with all that is going on (Viruses & 5G) and I wanted to share my experience in case it might help others to stay as healthy and protected from 5G microwave radiation as possible.
Check here:
https://5grezotoneshield.com, info@5grezotoneshield.com
Wishing you Health and Wellness
Amie, LA, USA, 21th of January 2020
“I currently have three of your USB devices when they were sold on 5gbioshield.com. (Now they sell something else that doesn’t work!) I love your USB REZOTONE keys. They even help with my gas mileage in my car by 4 mpg! I would like to buy three more from your new website, so I can add a couple more in my house for 5g protection and one permanently in my car. Something else that is funny. When I purchased your USB keys, my fiance thought I was crazy that a device like that could have any affect. He told me I fell for a scam. After 24 hours, I was telling my fiance that I had a pop in the right side of my brain while meditating next to the USB key. When it popped, my whole mind felt so clear! He laughed and said the same exact thing happened to him that morning. He is a master dowser and by using his dowsing muscle tests he found that the USB key is very high vibration, divine, and is extremely beneficial. He quickly snatched one of my usb keys to put in his office. He also keeps taking my other one to put into our car when we drive out of town. My gas mileage goes from 25 mpg to 29 mpg when we plug in the key to the car. I have the third one in my office at work. When we are around the USB keys, there is a definite calming affect. Our relationship has become so much more harmonious. p.s. A few months later I watched Simon Parkes advertising it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XN7ZjSx1sw&feature=youtu.be When the “new” USB keys came up for sale, I purchased thinking it was your USB key with a visual redesign. We tried the new keys for about a week and got no result. I didn’t say anything to my fiance. He came to that week and told me what I already knew. He dowsed the new keys and got a zero response. Those keys do absolutely nothing. The company was nice enough to let me send them back for a refund. Simon also put out another video to clarify that it was a different key. That was when I researched and found your new website, so I could order the real ones. Those other scientists claim their USB key is made out of crystal and are made in limited quantities On.5gbioshield.com. USB cost 350$ …Well I found that same exact USB key they sell on Amazon for $10. It isn’t crystal. It is glass and mass produced in china. https://www.amazon.com/Flash-Crystal-Memory-WaterproofPendrive/dp/B07ZT2PSSF/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1TX6PEUF5GY82&keywords=crystal+usb +flash+drive&qid=1579439639&sprefix=crystal+usb%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-5 “
JIM, GEMINI Health Emporium, NH, USA 21th of January 2020
“I purchased 3 of the Rezotone USB devices because I want protection against the unfortunate 5G rollout in the USA. When I first tried them I could feel chills running through my body, the sensation was rather unusual. As I do not have 5G or WIFI in my living environment (thank God!) I decided to lend one of the USBs to a friend Todd, who is extremely sensitive to EMFs and does have WIFI in his environment. He wrote, “When I first plugged it in last night, I felt uncontrollable smiling from the relief. These things are amazing. “Todd later added, “I love this device, and from what I can tell, the Russians have always had some amazing tech and research. In fact, researching pyramids back in the day, Russia was the only source for any studies via The University System of NH database regarding experiments regarding the pyramidal structure. This device is amazing! “
Todd, 05 January 2020:
“Jim, I slept with REZOTONE USB last night .The room felt abnormally peaceful. Still monitoring results, but man, these things work FAR better than the Q-Links, but really perhaps it just a different form of anti-radiation. Todd. “
JIM, 09 January 2020
” This morning Todd came in, to return the USB he had borrowed from me. He told me that he had been trying to find a new WIFI Router/Modem and discovered it’s impossible these days to get a new WIFI Router/Modem that will allow you to turn the WIFI OFF, the WIFI portion is always ON even though you can use the modem section to hardwire your internet connection. Older WIFI/modems used to allow the WIFI section to be disabled (off). WIFI really bothers him, it makes him extremely uncomfortable and even angry. So this morning he took the Rezotone USB and plugged it into the WIFI router and instantly he could feel the entire HOUSE was clear. We both found that to be remarkable!Thanks ! “
Jasminrose, Floria, USA
“Fist day, when I got the USB, I inserted stick into a phone charger. After approximately 15 minutes, I held the USB stick in my hand and lay down for half an hour, continue holding it. It was amazing feeling. Since then I sometimes sleep all night, by keeping the USB stick in my hand for the restoration from EMF, but most of the time the USB is next to me, plugged in to the phone recharger. It is working in my room 24/7 now. Most surprising is that I feel the space around me in my room has begun to be pure crystal clean. I’ve been using a good quality water filter for years, but never knew before that our space was so polluted with the electro-magnetic waves! “
Peter, Holland
” While working on my laptop for the next day presentation, I did not experience my usual headache from my router that was located on the wall near my desk. I slept all night long and without interruption woke up only in the morning! Thank you to Creators of USB Rezotone ”.
Amanda, USA, CA
“ After I had bought USB REZOTONE, I noticed that it normalized my blood pressure and stopped my heart fibrillations, which I always had after EMF exposure ”.
NADIA, Doctor in osteopathic Medicine, Switzerland
“ Skin had red spots from EMF exposure, completely vanished during the previous night after using USB! The key is an amplifier of our personal divinity ! It will give us back what we are spreading around us: Love, human feelings, etc. The key has also the capacity to elevate people at all levels. Her message to humanity is: “Stay in the matrix of unconditional love, where everything is possible and happens ”
Caroline Mailloux, December 6, 2019
Hello, I ordered that USB REZOTONE key and it’s working very well. We did measure of our vibration with pendulum and it’s really so high that you can’t even not measure your vibration and the pendulum turn to infinit. Even when we leave the home our energy, vibration stay high. Thank you to your team! I have many friend who are waiting to buy one.
Shar, October 25, 2019
Just received my order and plugged them in. I purchased 3, to grid my home and then unplug one to carry with me when I leave my house. I’m sensitive to energies and when I plugged them in I could feel the shift and within my Aura. I will be ordering more for my family and friends and would highly recommend ordering if you haven’t already.
Charles, 13th of January 2020
I was using 4G phone. And I start have migraines during last year. I was sure that this will be life long situation because of EMF around. Nothing really helped me.Now with the 5G radiation from the tower next to my house, it started enormous serious. I tried everything possible. until I got this magic USB REZOTONE. I know I was blessed by my Angels, because all my life I was good person. Dear Russian scientists you gifted to me new life. Now I love my bed, I sleep long and peaceful, like never before and most important no more migraine ! I don’t care anymore about EMF and 5G! I know that in UK recently USB REZOTONE was tested on 4 extremely sensitive to EMFs people and each of them did give lots of compliments to this USB. Thank you REZOTONE company.
Rosalie – Australia
TESTIMONY ABOUT 5GREZOTONESHIELD USB v SHUNGITE. Here are a few words about my personal experience with being exposed to EMF. I work in the City where 5G has been partly been rolled out in the area where I work. Since this took place, I noticed a very uncomfortable sensation in my left ear, which would become warm, then reddish with a “burning sensation”. Sometimes followed by extreme fatigue and completely “zapped of energy”. I then search for solutions and found out about the qualities of Shungite. I bought few Shungite pieces and this helped me a lot especially at home but at work only to a point. Whenever I would answer a mobile phone that sensation was sometimes there, or if I sit in bus surrounded by many people, with the majority of them using their mobiles phones, I would still experience the same thing in my left ear. I was happy to find the Rezotone 5G shield website and I search and I bought the USB from Rezotone. When I received my order from Russia, I immediately went into action and put this USB to the test and I immediately felt the difference. No more uncomfortable feeling. I could be on the bus or at work or walking around in the city, I did not feel any of the symptoms described above. I felt total protection at all time I am using this device or in my pocket or plugged in into the power point or wall socket. Once I lied down holding the Rezotone USB in my hand and the change of current within my body was immediately felt, with a sense of “my cells feeling happy”. After having used the Rezotone USB now for several weeks in the City and buses, my preference is truly for the Rezotone USB shield because when it comes to EMF protection I have noticed the effect from the Rezotone USB is more efficient.
Carol, Canada
I have been using this USB stick for a week now and I see a profound shift in the energy around me using phones, computer and so forth. I sleep better, have more clarity and it works really well in the car. Check out the site https://5grezotoneshield.com
Alexander Johnston, Columbia, MO, USA, 8th of May 2020
When I first received the Rezotone USB, the first thing I noticed is a tingling sensation in the arm I was holding the device in. It was only a couple hours later that my sinuses started to clear up, and I felt lighter in the shoulders. I primarily use the device to mitigate harmful WiFi signals by having it plugged in the modem.
I do notice a difference. Without the device I feel a weird tingling sensation and get headaches most of the time. I no longer experience these discomforts around WiFi while the Rezotone USB is plugged in the modem. Thumbs up for this incredible technology!
Side note: if you cut a 550 cord, and take out one of the strings, you can thread and use that string to hang around your neck. The Rezotone USB case has a tiny hole, which you can use. 19:19(like)
LAURA, New Jersey, USA, 15th of May 2020
I purchased the first 2 USBs for my parents(about 4 months ago) because my parents were having severe symptoms(most likely from EMF exposure). My parents had fatigue, headaches, dizziness, heart related issues, walking problems, memory problems, etc. which were getting serious. However, after I purchased the USBs for them, they are a lot more alive, stable in health and most of these problems have improved tremendously(if they had 100% symptoms before, it seems that they have about 10% symptoms now).
I believe that these USBs are definitely working because my parents are very practical people who tend to follow the crowd (i.e., unless it is accepted by the general population that something works, they are very resistant to try “out of the ordinary” type of things). However, after I got these USBs for them, they carry around the USBs with them all of the time and they seem very satisfied with them. I also tried the USB and it has a very soothing feeling. I wanted to get some more USB for my nephew and nieces (who are very young). I am concerned about 5G being installed soon in our environment (esp. in schools).
Allan, Ireland
There is a woman called Anne, who lives in my town. Anne is in her late 60s’. 3 weeks ago she was knocked down in her apartment because of 5G& EMF exposure. None of Anne’s family believe her and think she is making this all up. Her son wants her to get an MRI scan. Few days later Anne told me this when I was in her apartment last Friday. I happened to have the USB REZOTONE stick in my pocket, so I gave it to Anne.
“Try it today/tonight and see if it it helps”, I said.
The next day was Saturday and Anne called me. “Allan I normally wake a few times at night and then get up at 6-6:30am. Last night I woke up once, fell back to sleep and did not wake up until 9am. it was the longest nights sleep I’ve had in a very long time”, said Anne. Anne asked me if she could keep it for another night. I told her she could hang onto it for the entire bank holiday weekend.
I’m really happy that Anne is getting good rest at night, but since giving the USB to Anne, I’ve noticed that my sleeptime is not as peaceful and long-lasting.
Sharing with you new work from the studio. Title ’Nothing but Love’
Talia L, Europe

A few days ago 2 people tried the Q light GENERATOR in London.
One person wastried the generator in, ‘FLASH LIGHT MODE’.
After he passed generator one time over his pineal gland area for 5 min,
he started to see all in the room with his eyes closed !!!!
There were 4 people present… From a ONE TIME use, with close eyes he was able to described to people were and what was in the room and what they changed or was being done…Such a remarkable and fast result using the Q light generator over the pineal gland.
70-80 years old woman, her name Rachel. She could not feel her legs, from knee to the toes, for many years. Her legs were frozen. After 3 minutes Q light – she felt warm allover her legs, and immediately she could feel her legs. Also, she could not see clear for many years, after 3 minutes only for the pineal gland, the ‘fog’ in her eyes disappeared. Also, after 3 minutes only in the back-neck, all the pain in her neck disappeared. And now she can also feel her hands again (she could not feel her hands-fingers).
I was very amazed – but she is more amazed then me.
She is very sick – but I will cure her with Qlight.
Thank you!GOD BLESS this scientists.
We wanted to thank you for the Q-Light. The effects are brilliant. With everything we both have wrong with us- it offers relief and increased awareness. At first, I feel heat in the area the light is above. Then relief-as if things are moving and flowing correctly. We would not be here today without the USB’s and now the Q-light. We trust you 100% plus. Love and light My friend who is a spiritual healer tried it- she could not believe the energy she had. She is trying to save some money to try and purchase (after one go :-)).
Dawn, UK xxx
When I first received the Q light I was going through a tough time with my family and words were often heated. I was feeling very isolated.However as I began to use the light, my light turned up and I started to co-exist in a different reality. We all stopped arguing, the topics never came up again, my energy improved, my outlook stays positive, I honestly feel like I am glowing with vital health. My regular feeling is joyful. I wake in contentment and immensely happy with my lot. The product itself is very robust and made with strong material. My nieces love to play with it in their energy fields. This is one my happiest purchases, has made a huge difference in my well being.
Thank you creators xx Finola, IRELAND, www.grangevillehealing.com
I already use the Q light (and 5g Rezotone) with other people, and immediately after first treatment the results are amazing. I will continue, I’ve never seen so powerful cure before. I wanted to say THANK YOU ANGEL FROM ALL OF MY HEART. I PRAY TO GOD TO PROTECT YOU AND EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE DOING.
Hey Julia, I have some great news! You know when I was 17, I was knocked down by a car. The Drs didn’t think I would live and then after 2 days they told my parents I may not die but probably would never speak after I came out of the coma. When I came out of hospital, I have never been able to extend and straighten my right leg. The knee joint would not fully extend. This means my right leg has always been approx 9 degrees off from being straight. Over the last few months I have been using the Q-Light generator to help reduce the pain in my left knee. The pain has reduced. But do you know what else? Now my right leg is able to fully extend !!!! This is unbelievable :-)! When I sit and stretch my legs, the back of my right kneecap hadn’t touched the ground for years. Last week it touched the ground. Now my knee fully extends. It is totally unexpected and amazing.
Allan, Ireland
Just to let you know that I LOVE the WATER FILTER! The water really does taste delicious (ie it doesn’t taste of anything!) and it is so small and easy to use and carry around so that you can have an instant supply of lovely water wherever you are! Thank you for sharing another amazing product with your Rezotone customers…products to help us all stay healthy…buying a rezotone last year is one of the best things I’ve done…thank you! Thanks Julia!
Lots of love from UK
Julia, RA
I have drunk water only from this Water filter since 2008. It is easy to change, to put in a new filter cartridge. In 2012 I did trials with 17 people in Australia and each of them was very surprised how much purer the Rezotone filtered water tasted compared to normal tap water. Since, all of them are using our water filter and all their friends! After using our filtered water they became aware of the impurities which they had not noticed before, including heavy fluoride
Hi Alex and Julia,
Today I received my WATER FILTER.
I have already used it. The water is really crystal clear and the taste is very good.
I am very happy to have received it
I thank you very much.
With warm regards, Sidonie
Dear Julia, it really does seem that since using WOODEN STAND after the REZOTONE WATER FILTER for ‘nice dreams’ that I am sleeping even better. Since I bought my first Rezotone in July 2020, my sleep has got better and better…in little stages so that almost a year on (and three more Rezotones later)…I can honestly see SUCH a big improvement over this period. I bought the water filter ‘pleasant dreams’ because I thought it would be nice to have pleasant dreams (I can’t usually remember my dreams) but what seems to have happened is that where as I would sleep really well, I would invariably get up to go to the toilet around 4 or 5 am…but recently I have slept straight through (which is almost unheard of)…and I remember my dreams much more clearly (pleasant dreams as in, nice, not amazing so far, but not horrible, definitely more vivid and memorable). Dreams aside…I just love NOT getting up in the night and sleeping straight through! Thank you so much Julia and the Russian scientists for all that you do to help us all and to keep us rejuvenated and healthy during these evolving times!
Lots of love, Loti
Hweyun Ju
The Spectrum Bracelet is great! It works immediately, in 5-10 seconds. I sleep with it as well. 24 hours a day. Makes you feel more relaxed, Thank You!! I am Korean. If anyone knows what is “Kimchi” which is basic food in Korea. So even though I live abroad I can’t live without Kimchi. So I make one of the kind of Kimchi from radish. And It makes terrible(?) smell whenever I open the fridge. But I couldn’t give up to make and eat. Now I have REZOTONE pyramid . Thank God I have Pyramid. Now I don’t suffer from bad smell from the fridge. Thank you all.
Marie Jemoli
I have been using the plant SEROTONIN powder since i got it; after more than a week i have noticed that my mood is indeed more joyful, stable and happy despite the current world circumstances. I keep on taking a tiny amount every morning after getting up and that sets a happy mood for the day.
“My rezotone arrived very timely! I am not living in a 5G area at the moment, but havingit plugged it is making a huge difference in how my mind is still and body feels relaxed when working on my laptop all day. At night time I have it plugged in in my bedroom and especially in the first two weeks I felt a change in my sleep. Deeper, more vivid dreams and feeling more fresh when waking up. I gifted one to my friend, he experiences the same. Also my refrigerator used to make a lot of noise, but since I have the Rezotone plugged in in the house, it has been quiet. I don’t know how it works, but this is truly great side benefit!” Thank you for bringing this product to market.
Much love, Nynke from the Netherlands
Had a wonderful sleep last night…definitely so much better now I can have the rezotone in the bedroom…brilliant! I like to switch off the electrics in most of the house most of the time and definitely in the bedroom at night…so feel as though I am in more contact with the Earth which makes me happier. The little adaptor that I plug into my phone at night is brilliant…so glad you sent a photo of it otherwise I wouldn’t have known about it. We had previously had them plugged in at night downstairs which worked to some extent, but it is noticeably different having the rezotone in the bedroom. THANK YOU AND THANK THE SCIENTISTS AND THANK THE BENEVOLENT ANGELIC BEINGS XXXXXXXX Have a lovely weekend and chat soon
Lynn xxxx
Hello Rezotone team, Thank you very much for the USB REZOTONE shield. I am using it and have noticed a TREMENDOUS difference already. Thank you for all you do and to everyone at your company who has made this possible. For the time being i can conclude, having used it for a couple of days, that this has life-changing potential. Have a great day, week and i hope that many more people find your work and reap its benefits!
Kindest regards, Alex
Izee Spirit
My dear Julia, Good evening to you. I hope you are doing well when you get this email. First of all, we would like to thank you for your Loving Tender Care. Fingers crossed I will be able to sleep tonight. I will keep you updated of my progress.I don’t know how we could have made it without your help and support.Not enough words to express our gratitude for what you’ve done for us. Love you,
Izee Spirit, Australia, Sydney
Hi Julia,I send you a lot of LOVE. I want to thank you for all the work that you do, you & your team! Thank you so much for keeping humanity safe, protected and evolving !! LOVE LOVE LOVE !!!
Kind regards FB, UK, England
Thank you Julia! Wow the future is now! We are One, the healing of one human been benefit for the whole body of our magnificient consciousness. Let’s do it all and together. Much LOVE to you and all your team!!! Thank you so much for assisting me on my journey, looking forward to sharing this precious gift with the ones with affinity and are ready to shift into the new stage of life. Stay uplifting
Matthew, USA, LA
Finola Ní Fhoghlu
Dearest Julia, I have tested the new Rezotone 12 and I have found it definitely does work. This weekend I was exposed to a lot of injected people, it didn’t bother me like it had been previously, because Rezotone12 arrived !!! For the past few weeks, my head has been swollen, feeling lethargic after being in close contact with them, energy wiped out and brain sore.
Occasionally when it was a larger group of injected people together, I could feel myself backing away little by little, the pressure inside my head would ever so slightly be there then go away very quickly. When in the supermarket and feeling pressure from large numbers of infected people, I held the Rezotone 12 device and asked it for ‘protection, protection, protection’ and I could feel my whole energy field fill with pure white light. It was incredible.
When I see with my minds eye, these vaccinated people are alike WWII sea mines and emitting negative energy in pulses from the spikes. The Rezotone12 that filled my energy field with white light became the invert of this energy, I could see how it was creating a field around me and also catching the spikes. So cool.
That’s where I am right now, with this technology my life quality has been improved, I can be amongst the injected and feel ok, I am very tuned into energy and previously being near any of them was hurting my whole being.
I give to Rezotone 12 a 90% improvement, which is a miracle in itself. It is absolutely brilliant. I also notice that the injected people’s brains are swollen and its is making them irritable, aggressive and very opinionated (their way or the highway) when I go close to them with this Rezotone 12 device, they are calming down also.
Why 90 %? Because both of Finola’s close family relatives have had two, Sars2 CoVid19, gene editing injections aka ‘vaccines’.
When she is near them she feels a slight effect from their injections ‘vaccines’ simply because her and her close family relatives DNA is identical.
This is why this effect is stronger with ones relatives, the “spikes” are getting a “green light” like an open door to come at her.
The roads here have become very dangerous, especially the older people who got the vaccine shot first, they are driving very erratically. Spacial awareness and logic decaying rapidly. I have stopped seeing clients, only see the very few that are usually children with swollen brains from being around their vaccinated parents and grand parents.
I have the 5G rezotone12 plugged in and the whole place is protected, people come and love the energy and don’t know why. Many are from Dublin (Big Tech HQ) and are bombarded with many many types of disharmonious frequencies, being outdoor in nature with the Rezotone12 frequency is completely healing and uplifting them, they feel great and its beautiful to see.
Have also being using the Q Light generator and it too is helping me a lot, pulsing it into the area of my body that is feeling affected by ” spikes”, was all my brain tissue now its one particular area, and the Q light generator turns it down. Menstrual cycle is also very dense, feels like sludge, feeling pressure there most of the month now and the Q light feels beautiful. (TESTIMONIALS about Q light GENERATOR)
I am learning how to connect with the device, I can see its dynamic and has the ability to reassess itself. Whenever I ask for more protection the white light comes in !!!! Thank you so much for this amazing technology. Really appreciate the opportunity to use it and feel protected in this way.
There is something more going on with those who have had surgery, the blood and wounds seems to amplify the effects, the components of the injection seem to get excited greatly. I also feel that my spirit guides want me to know and experience this so that I can work it out an find solutions. And now with Rezotone 12 it was done!
To date, I have made no effort to find a way to help the injected, my guides tell me not to. That’s my honest feedback to you and the team. Thanks so much for everything you do and all the help you are offering the world. Love the serotonin by the way, it is also helping me hugely at this time. I will be getting some more very soon.
Have a most wonderful day
Best Wishes
Finola Ní Fhoghlu
www.grangevillehealing.com and www.grangevillehouse.com
Beautiful Julia, Thank you so much for the Rezotone 12. My Sleep immediately improved. I’m living in a small apparement in Zurich, where above and below, vaxxed people are living and sleeping. Protection different than “normal” Rezotone. Adapted to the need at the moment. Thank you so much. I’m using a lot public transport etc. This as well calmer. But for me the number 1 is the excellent sleep I have now. Thank you so much, so much.
I love the green cumb. It came the right time, as i had to buy a new one. Now I got it from heaven. Bless you dear Julia. The green necklace is very beautiful. Thank you so much as well
. I adore shungite. This beautiful pyramid is phantastic. I can take it with me when giving a class or travelling. It’s not heavy weightwise but extremely effective.
Thank you.
Much much love to you
Sibylle Gabriel, SWISS -ITALY
Since I use the Rezotone UBS stick I sleep much longer and better and I can work longer and thinking is much easier, I am more creative.
I told all my friends and contacts to get a Rezotone without waiting to have a protection when they start with 5G everywhere.
I tested at least 12 protection devices, some were very expensive and had no lasting effect. Only Somavedic and the Cosmic Tower are worth the investment but are much more expensive. Rezotone12 is small and unique. It is the best one considering all characteristics.
My eyesight got better because of Rezotone, I have to change my glasses, -3.25 now -1.75 !!!
Of course this effect could be a in combination with the other devices from Rezotone, the water filter, the pyramid and cards. All smart and easy to use.
Juelie S. Renkilde Pedersen, DENMARK
I have suffered from EHS (electro-hyper-sensitivity) for 17 years, since my mid 20’s. I am extremely sensitive to frequencies. For me, the first 5G Rezotone Shield was a life saver. I experienced a liberty I hadn’t experienced for years. Before then, I was very sick, from EMF from work (I’m a nurse). When I felt worse, I was suffering from 50 different symptoms, everything from memory loss, dizziness, tiredness and fatigue, pain in muscles & nerves, dysesthesia, nausea, migrane, paralysis and so much more.
The Rezotone helped me to the degree, were I became fully functional again in my daily life. I live in the country side without microwaves and low frequency noise as well, and this factor together with the Rezotone was making me fit in a very short amount of time.
I started to heal to point, were I could go to out again, shopping groceries etc. – but I need to have the Rezotone plugged in always, to an external battery, that I carry in my hand bag. It has protected me to an extend, that is beyond! And now with the new Rezotone 12 – with another 12 programs added, I can go to Copenhagen with 5G antennas every were. I am able to go out for diner, join a party or what ever, and I can forget my sensitivity – I still sense everything, but I am not damaged from it like before, I am protected, with the Rezotone 12 and the Angels working to heal us. This USB is highly recommended to all that suffers from EHS! I have tried ALL products on the market throughout the years – there’s so many deceptive and expensive products on the market – but this is the real deal.
“My most loyal and dearest friend Magic, is wearing Rezotone 12 when we go out – because he deserves the best”
I feel very grateful for the help I have recieved and I send warm greetings to the Russian team + to my dear friend Julia

photo “My most loyal and dearest friend Magic, is wearing Rezotone 12 when we go out – because he deserves the best” <3 Julie Wilde
Kay Lindemann, Washington State, USA
Dear Julia, I now have REZOTONE 12 plugged in near my computer area.
It puts out a HUGE field that immediately cleared a lot of energy at first and has now smoothed everything out! My husband and I are thrilled. We are both very skilled at selecting settings on equipment such as the REZOTONE 12 and are glad to have the options.
Beautiful Julia, Thank you so much for the Rezotone 12. My Sleep immediately improved. I’m living in a small apparement in Zurich, where above and below, vaxxed people are living and sleeping. Protection different than “normal” Rezotone. Adapted to the need at the moment. Thank you so much. I’m using a lot public transport etc. This as well calmer. But for me the number 1 is the excellent sleep I have now. Thank you so much, so much.
I love the green comb.Now I got it from heaven. It made amazing instant healing. Bless you dear Julia The green necklace is very beautiful. Thank you so much as well
. I adore shungite with this new healing technology inside.. This beautiful pyramid with SSF technology is phantastic. I can take it with me when giving a class or travelling. It’s not heavy weightwise but extremely effective.
Thank you.
Much much love to you
Nynke, Netherlands
How REZOTONE 12 & ANGELS fixing stuff
****My little refrigerator in hotel was started to make sound—REZOTONE 12 did fix it! Was no more sound !
****Next after few months, my electric tea pot start making sound, REZOTONE 12 again did fix it and sound did stopped.
****Rezotone 12 even did removed viruses from laptop, when was plugged in to phone charger in the same room, where was laptop. This is truly amazing!

Rick, Scotland
“My rezotone arrived very timely! I am not living in a 5G area at the moment, but having it plugged it is making a huge difference in how my mind is still and body feels relaxed when working on my laptop all day. At night time I have it plugged in in my bedroom and especially in the first two weeks I felt a change in my sleep. Deeper, more vivid dreams and feeling more fresh when waking up. I gifted one to my friend, he experiences the same. Also my refrigerator used to make a lot of noise, but since I have the Rezotone plugged in in the house, it has been quiet. I don’t know how it works, but this is truly great side benefit!” Thank you for bringing this product to market.
Much love
Nettie, USA
Darling Julia!
How special and thank you for thinking of me! How are you? I hope all is wonderful! For weeks my REZOTONE has been sitting on my dresser broken. Not long ago my daughter Nayeli was rough with it and the piece that goes into the USB was bent. It was fragile to begin with and after this happened, it would break apart when removing it from the plug. Frustrated I left it on my dresser. After I read your email I decided to look at it. I held it in my hands and said a prayer to the Angels. I worked on it And got the red light to come on! I am happy to have it working again! I just have to be very careful with it. Thanks again for your email!! We have lovingly accepted the new programs and are so grateful!
With Sunshine & Love ️
Dear Nettie,
This is very interesting, we have 2 another women who also have the same effect,
which is prove that we dealing with REAL ANGELS ! And also that 3 of you maybe on higher scale of the energy, which more close to Angels vibrations in Heaven ? : )
Sibylle from Swiss also make REZOTONE with light, but another person can not…
When Lesley keep REZOTONE in her hand she have 2 lights, another woman keep in her hand, have no light. ( Lesley have older version which REZOTONE 7 with the 2 lights for the gasoline saving ).
By the way : All rezotones have this gasoline saving program, scientists did made this small portion with 2 lights before as a trial.
HERE ABOUT LESLEY : My experience with Time Travel, Part 1. Staying on Timeline 1.
https://INTREPIDVOYAGERS.com. School of Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Empathy … and Remembering. Helping you remember Past lives, Star Family Lives and SSP Out and Backs.
JULIA, my dog Babu has HIP DYSPLASIA and SEVERE RHEUMATOID ARTHIRITIS and is slowly using the use of his legs. He is currently 10.5 years old. See the wisdom and pain in his eyes winter time. He is much more responsive since i upgraded to the Rezotone 12 key!
Yesterday dog just lie down on REZOTONE 12 for many hours!
And Babu ran today!! Only a little I have to be careful with him. And he played ball!!!!
A REAL miracle with REZOTONE 12.
If you download the app WE TRANSFER then I can send you a video of him playing ball today and share the magic!!!!!!!
We love you so much!!! And the Rezotone Angels!!! And the scientists!!!
Thank you
Pete and I used the new Rezotones 12 for the first time…WOW! I couldn’t believe what I was feeling…it was amazing…I never felt it with the original Rezotones…it was so strong and so powerful…
And yesterday I went to see a friend who has a new puppy and an old dog…the new puppy slept on my chest (on my Rezotone 12) for hours and the old dog was trying to climb on my lap while I was cuddling the puppy and my legs are a bit scratched and I had to cuddle both of them for ages…they wanted the energy of REZOTONE …it really is AMAZING!
Also, all year with Rezotones plugged in we have EVEN MORE birds here right up to the house…they LOVE the energy even more and have been telling their bird friends. They sit on the roof above where they are plugged in…they never did that before. They are here all the time…just trying to get the energy and protection I am sure!
Thank you so much Julia and the Russian scientists for all that you do to help us all and to keep us rejuvenated and healthy during these evolving times! AMAZING!
My room open to outside all day long now and little lizards running right near the door and wish to go in, but scared, birds always stay right at the balcony and some also flying right in to the room!!! Cat of the owners of the hotel just coming and lie down here near my door all the time and want to be inside…BIRDS, ANIMALS love REZOTONE 12 healthy energy and feel very comfortable around here.
photos of the boy before:
Boy KIAN can not sleep in GERMANY because of strong 5 G & EMF
and photo after: photo HAPPY KIAN with REZOTONE 12
April & Jay Matta
Hi Julia,
I hope you are doing awesome! I’ve been meaning to connect with you and share my Rezotone results For the past yr or so, I’ve had the world’s worst night sweats, literally waking up every single night at the 3:00-4:00 AM hour drenched, sheets and all. It became much worse the last 6 months with all the ascension symptoms and energies off the charts. I was desperate and tried every natural remedy under the sun and nothing worked. It was truly awful and taking a serious toll on my nerves. Then, by the grace of God, you sent the Rezotone. I had no clue what to expect as I never heard of this product prior.
So, I plugged it in the 1st night and miraculously I slept through the entire night!! At first, I thought it was a fluke. So, the next night I tried it again, and woke up – but much less of the night sweats.
By day three, I was cured!! LOL. And, since then have not had a single night sweat. You can not out a price on a great night’s sleep. I can not thank you enough. This product has been such a blessing and I am so grateful beyond words.
Many Blessings of Love, Health, & Prosperity,
Hi Everyone,
I like to share my personal experience with Rezotone 11 and normal Rezotone.
Normal Rezotone. First I have the first Rezotone USB and I have to say that we are so grateful we have got it because I no longer feel the negative effects of EMF. I carried my USB rezotone with me everywhere I go. We also have one plugged in, in each room. Since I am hyper sensitive and have learned to listen to my body I use the guidance of my left ear to detect EMF and so I no longer bother using an EMF meter reader.
If I forget to plug in the rezotone and if it is a cloudy or rainy day I noticed that the level of EMF seems to increase as if someone on purposely turn up the frequency, much higher than usual. The EMF bombardment is strong. When it is stormy weather it is even worst. My left ear would start to warm up and become really “hot” to the point of becoming uncomfortable. So I would move around the house to see where the EMF ray comes from and of course it would be exactly coming right directly from a tower at some distance from my home. The tower is not close to my home but still the EMF bombardment is still there. When this happens I would put the USB rezotone next to my ear to calm it down and the sensation just disappear immediately after a few seconds.
This one has extra wonderful features. For example, I would plug it for 20mn in the charger and would lie down and tune in into the Rezotone 11 for 45mn or sometimes 30mn or sometimes longer. Just as it was explained in the Rezotone manual 11. What I was very surprised with, is that the programs in the Rezotone 11 really works. It helps the body to calm down and it does it magical work at the background.
After just a few minutes of doing the rezotone healing session, I can feel in my body all the subtle flow of various energies balancing and adjusting the subtle bodies. I use both lights, the purple and the red. While this takes place, I use this opportunity to then do my own inner work with my cells or go into mediation.
The last 15mn of the rezotone 11 program leaves a beautiful feeling at the end of the session.
It also adjust any small ailment as I noticed within myself. For example, once I had a toothache and was planning to visit the dentist. However in the meantime I had a session with the rezotone and stayed little longer than 45mn. After the session my toothache was gone as if the program was also repairing it.
What I love with rezotone 11 is that I can change at will the program from the violet (or blue) light to the red light depending of what I want to experience. It is such a wonderful protector from the EMF with wonderful healing modalities, so versatile. Hopefully my feedback may be of help to those who may still wonder. I have bought so many other products before I found rezotone, even have house full of Shungite, etc But my body intuitive guidance system is much more in harmony with Rezotone. The level of protection is not at all the same.
Please note this is my personal own experience as I am hyper sensitive to EMF.
Everyone will react differently according to their own system set up. With much gratitude to all the scientists and team behind Rezotone. Thank you for all your wonderful work.
Christiane from Australia
HERE are 3 photos:in REZOTONE USB program which make hair grow very fast, nails started very strong…photo of the hair: 2019, 2020, and 2021…

Result of my experiment by using REZOTONE: The longest nails I ever grew, i cut them yesterday.
I Have spent a lot of money on my dog Babu at the vets in the past month….
He was going to put to sleep TWICE in the past month The GABAPENTIN made his fur start to fall out….
The Q light is keeping him alive!!!! I have taken my dog off the medication. As far as myself THE LIGHT STOPPED MY INTERNAL BLEEDING AFTER 10 YEARS!!!!!
I can now touch the base of my skull to my neck first time in 15 YEARS!!!! I feel more positive and have healed many people with the Q light generator for free 🙂
MY hip problems, anxiety, skeletal problems all gone in one 10 min session!!!!!! I have a GENUINE VOGEL CUT CRYSTAL. They are the most powerful crystals on the planet. It fitted in the Q light generator perfectly.
Please check above link when you have time you will be AMAZED at these crystals. I ONLY USE ON BABU AND MYSELF WITH CRYSTAL!!!!!! NOBODY ELSE WITH CRYSTAL 🙂
Please see the energy coming from the generator and crystal in the enclosed picture and a few more 🙂
IT MAKES IT SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL!!!!!! Normally you have to have a special camera to take aura photo of crystal. I took picture with my phone. 🙂 REAL MAGIC!!!!!! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT THIS AMAZING GENERATOR 🙂
From all our family love and gratitude to you Julia Thank you for helping us
8 years girl, her hair grow enormous fast and very strong, after wearing rezotone during last 3 years
When I first receive the Rezotone 12, I felt it is definitely stronger than the original normal Rezotone. I have a chronic upper spinal Pain for 16 years, tried all available remedy from herbs, electronic supplement, sound frequency etc but only improve a little bit. Only few days of using the Rezotone 12, the pain reduced to 95%. First time I felt relieved and felt normal in many years. I am looking for the next new Rezotone 13 in future. : ) Thanks Julia.
Ronald, Holland
Dear Julia, when my wife was exposed to the spike protein from her mother, I had her take Ivermectin and HCQ/Quinine to prevent ACE2 receptor binding of the spike protein – she was fine within 3 days. Also of use, but not mentioned here is NAC (N-acetyl L-Cysteine) which is an amino acid food supplement often given to asthmatics to prevent antigen binding to lung ACE2 receptors. The same Japanese study that showed that it was the spike protein that causes the cyto- toxicity, also showed that NAC prevented it from occuring. I provided NAC to friend who took vaccines in addition to the HCQ I advised him to take. The REZOTONE 12 you kindly sent for him seems to be the final component needed – and he is absolutely fine right now. He thanks you, as do I.T he REZOTONE12 are the invaluable final piece of the protection puzzle.
Much love,
Nina, UK
The Rezotone12 and Q light have really saved me this summer, I was in contact with injected all day however it was outside, I can feel the injections so strongly. Feeling in a good position, thank God I found you and all your equipment – it is saving my life and I am in really good health with great knowledge around me.Thanks for the beautiful necklace, its really nice, amazing was teaching yoga today outside, 4 out of 5 injected, even at 8ft I feel a light headache and after 15mins with necklace it is gone. New kids necklace will be good for the children, who have parents and grandparents vaccinated.Thank you Julia.
God Bless and Love to you.

The gifts necklaces with IDEA information technology inside, you were sending for adults and kids are very special. Feel my head getting cleaned up, amazing!!! No migraine any more! It also removed side effect from « spike proteins» for me and my child. Thank God for that powerful tools!
To be honest, I had no idea what «IDEA» SSF signal is and how it works. Since I had almost no information about it beforehand, it was the best opportunity to go into self-awareness. When I put the necklace on for the first time, I got the impression that my head was getting clearer. Shoulder and neck tension also got better and better. In the evening I took off the necklace. However, since I had similarly good experiences over the next few days, I left the necklace on overnight, with the result that I couldn’t sleep well. Nevertheless, I was fit and balanced over the next few days. So I thought that I wanted to know more about it and read the information I had received from Julia. It said that you shouldn’t wear the necklace overnight. So I can confirm that now. Even so, my head was unusually clear.
But the best part was that the remnants of the headaches and migraines that I had until now also disappeared. If I now notice that I have neck tension or a headache, I use the «IDEA» signal comb as described and there is an immediate improvement. I now wear the necklace «IDEA»every day until 6 p.m. I am really very happy and grateful that I received these heavenly tools. Big thank you very much!

Hi Julia. I’m very happy with my Rezone 12.
I’ve had it for a week. I no longer have the pain, which I have had for over a year. I have EHS. and has been confined to my home. Now I can go shopping !!!
Thank you. Love
Shara, Germany
Dear Julia, Since about 2014 I often suffered from pressure on the chest. After the Rezotone 12 purchased in late 2021, it disappeared instantly. The chest pains were worse after the Covid 19 times started, it felt like a certain ‘invisible force’ had stepped up, or increased in those times. Joint pain in the fingers disappeared too, just as mysteriously. Lots of love,
Peony, USA
Dear Julia, Have a blessed day, and know that you have changed my life with my rezotone 12 healer, angel, miracle worker, 5G protector. Miracles have been taking place in my life since it was delivered. I feel protection. I wear it on the inside of my bra daily. You are changing people’s lives with these products and you have a selfless heart:).
God Bless you and yours, Be well and in love and Light!
Carla, USA
I’ve had my rezotone for 6 weeks now and I’m feeling more energy ! I’m sleeping better too !
I have more energy and have better sleep. I feel like I’m looking younger.
Also my 🧠 brain is sharper. I feel more positive lately. Im stronger in my weight training and cardio. 😁😇🙏
Im 52,but look 40 and hoping to look even younger !
God bless you Julia,
something happened yesterday and I really think the rezotone saved me.
REZOTONE has been on me or with me every second for about 2 years and this week it went missing, couldn’t find it anywhere, totally strange.
So I searched and searched and then got my dowsing rods and asked if it wanted to get found and it showed ‘no’, like a crystal I thought needed elsewhere.
Then I got a bit worried that I wasn’t protected and I felt the energy of it telling me I am still protected and it’s working even when its not on me. Yesterday I had to take a long drive and I had another one REZOTONE from previous, brought it with me and plugged it into the car.
This is significant, because if I had of had my own one I’d of kept it in my pocket.
Driving about 60km distance the engine light went on and something was wrong – all the fluids were empty, coolant oil and water.
Got another 10km to a garage and he put over 10 litres of coolant and it disappeared into the engine! The water pump and fan belt were gone and I still was able to get the car home without any trouble at all.
I got this feeling that the rezotone plugged in got my car to safety and home again
Came home last night and found my other one in a pocket of a sweater.
I was driving on a motorway, that could have been far worse.
Also, didn’t use much diesel that day either.
Something happened there that really was working in my favour
Thanks Julia and all the team, saved again xxxxxxxxxx

Lisa, USA
My Rezatone has been healing my body, my mind, helping me with situations.
Has fixed my laptop , My friend’s car battery issue and a plumbing shower issue and so many other things. I have three other people that put orders in. It’s hard to find people of like mine, but it is life-changing and I’m just so grateful for you and your team.
I also truly love my Q light Generator has absolutely been shifting me tremendously.
I woke up the other night around 2:00 a.m. and there was something floating over both of my devices.
I kept them on the table next to me.
Healing code cards from Brad JOHNSON and GENERATOR
I’ve had sessions with BRAD JOHNSON before and I’ve been using the Quantum Generator on the healing code cards when I put them on water.
I have a copper cup and I fill it with water and the cards let me know which I need if any. I put them on top of the copper cup and I put the Generator on it. The blinking mode for 5 minutes and then I drink it.
Ramírez Fernandez, SPAIN
REZOTONE helping vaccinated people to gain health back!
Dear Julia,
Sadly I made mistake and I had one shot of MODERNA vaccine.
My immune system is 20% less now, because of the vaccine.
Right now i still have a lot of times cold symptoms etc.
But with help of my ANGEL Resotone my spiritual practices goes up to 90 %
Here what happened : after i repent and ask for help God.
My prayers are being answered with the Acknowledged that i could do it by myself, but for this
I will need help from higher realms and YES!!! This help came to me with your Resotone (satva)
I really felt the energy go through my body in an intent way.
Now I should get rid of side effects of vaccine soon. I feel every day better and better.
With Love and Thank you!
Jessica, NY, US
I am using Rezotone 12 USB. I wear it all day around my neck and in the right bra cup. I plug it in, in the bedroom at night. As my medication has change from 170 mcg to 100 mcg, I am assuming that the Rezotone and Angel is doing this, because between 85 REZOTONE’s programs, one program for the hormonal balance, plus my wonderful Angel is helping me.
Nancy Collins, 81, Cape Cod, MA. USA
I purchased the REZOTONE 12, and the IDEA NECKLACE and started wearing it on APRIL 10, 2022, from JULIA!
* I noticed a calmness immediately, and less baggage around me.
* It has been around one month and a half +, that I have been wearing both the REZOTONE 12 and the IDEA Necklace.
* I have noticed the aches and pains every night have stopped.
* Definitely, my car is driving very smoothly, and my oil consumption is way up and is running fabulously!
* I also believe, my digestion is better.
* My stamina and concentration is working, better- SITTING DOWN, has gone up in time.
* My nails have grown and harder.
* My hair is in better shape and growing faster.
* I also have the SHUNGITE pyramids which extend the life of food in the refrigerator.
Thank you, Julia, for all your help in passing on information, much LOVE!
Nancy STAR****
Dear Julia,
Since I am using REZOTONE 12, plus comb with the spectral« IDEA»information, my hair has become a lot thicker! I can’t think of any other reason why this should have happened as have numerous
health issues vanished !!! and I am 75 years old!
Love & thanks,
Carla, TEXAS, US
Hi Julia!
My Rezotone experience
I just wanted to tell you I’ve received my rezotone for 6 weeks now, and I’m feeling more energy !
I’m sleeping better too !
Julia, I love, my REZOTONE device very much !!!
God bless you Julia
Rosy, Geneva, Switzerland.
Dearest Julia,
Thank you very much for your loving words.
Is the presence of the REZOTONE technology had any impact on my well-being?
Although 74, I look like 60 and it seems aging has basically stopped since I received the first REZOTONE
USB stick in May 2021.
Since I carry the REZOTONE shield with me for over one year, people who haven’t seen me for a long time say that I rejuvenated. This is a lovely compliment and my health check was also successful.
What was confirmed to me straight away was that the oxygen level of my blood was excellent.
This includes wearing of the REZOTONE necklace which is beautiful and leaves me with a feeling of peacefulness
and stability.
I wish you and your team only the very best.
With gratitude and loving thoughts
Mary T Menger, COLORADO
Dearest Julia,
Last fall I misplaced my Rezotone 12 – Shield USB. I think it fell out of my shirt when bending over to clean up the doggie doo-doo. I looked for it all winter inside and outside. Every time I would walk the dogs in nearby areas I kept looking in the grass. It seemed like it was in the grass somewhere. Even though it was ‘missing,’ I felt like it was close by and that it was still protecting us, along with the magnificent Angel assigned to it and us.
Just a few weeks ago I was out in the backyard and saw something shiny, the plastic case of the USB beneath the grass. It was mostly covered up. There it was!!! Fortunately I had the cap on it as it was out there all winter, under all the snow and rain. I was soooo overjoyed to find it and always knew I would. I brought it inside and put it in a bowl of rice to absorb any condensation for 24 hours. The next day I plugged it in and the light came on. It still works!!! I’m so very happy and grateful for such a magical and miraculous happening!
Thought you would enjoy that story! I knew it would find me again!
Much love and light and happy Spring to you and your team from beautiful Longmont, Colorado!
Karla, Colorado City, USA, May 2023
Dear Sweet Julia, about REZOTONE 12:
The Rezotone has saved my life!! Literally!! Before I got mine REZOTONE, I would immediately start cramping and bleeding whenever I would go around anyone Covid jabbed.