Q and A
Hi, the q light GENERATOR arrived, please how do I put the battery inside?
Q: HOW to keep USB safe ?
USB REZOTONE has only one side, a little tiny hole.
Best to use string for the FISHING LINE: https://www.google.com/search? q=fishing+line
In order not to lose USB, PLEASE wear it on the neck when you are outside of the house.
Always put the cup on top. Do not lose it.
Q: How better to sleep by using REZOTONE USB ?
A: I use the Rezotone-USB-stick since many years now, started with version 11 and then version 12 as early as it became available. Before, I tried and used several other systems but none of them came close to the positive harmonizing and protective effects of Rezotone. Some other systems, in my observation, had an initial beneficial effect but lost effectiveness for me then quite soon. Rezotone 12 keeps its beneficial effect for me ever since I started using it. I used to carry the Rezotone-12-stick on my body during the daytime and had it plugged in to the outlet during the nighttime. Only recently I changed this habit, i.e. I now carry this stick on my body also during nighttime and noticed/still notice an even more profound sleep. Therefor, I will continue like this and plug the USB-stick in the outlet for one hour or so during the daytime only.
E.Z. Switzerland
We have letters from customers, it was cases when USBs working after was in washing machine or spent winter in snow, tiny red electric lamp and programs still working perfectly.
They asking HOW it can be possible ? ( see at TESTIMONIAL page.)
A: Our USB REZOTONES located all over the world with our customers, but USBs literary talking with each other, it was recorded. Plus there program from benevolent Angelic race which fixing each other on a distance.
As soon as new programs will be added by scientists in Moscow, it will be spreading instantly in all USBs REZOTONE on the Earth.
Q: Is it possible to send USB REZOTONE by express shipping ?
A: USB REZOTONE countS as electronic device and no one fast shipping company can accept it to send.
It on the prohibited list, so no FED EX, no DHL, and so on…all who on this list:
Q: LOST cap of the USB REZOTONE?
A: It is easy to replace with any USB’s cap from the local store for the REZOTONE USB, usually it is the same size.
Q: How to Connect Quantum Generator?
Q: Does Rezotone have protection programs for the possible future hazards ?
A : YES, Angelic race warned scientist long before about future hazards for the people, and protection programs was developed ahead of time, for example when « spike protein» problem arrived. Or possible hunger, program was added for the metabolism navigate for the survival. Angelic race added their own programs to USB time to time, scientists see that extra memory place was used, for example anti-gravity program, they noticed new wonderful programs after our customers sending TESTIMONIALS to us.
Q: from customer: I am reading this below: But how it protecting people ?
***The process is that of converting harmful radiation into useful radiation.
The radiation itself does not disappear, but is converted into another form?
A: Rezotone protects all biological living organisms, and at the same time, does not affect gadgets, which work on 3,4,5 G & EMF
Detailed experiments on reducing the magnitude of the signal from a microwave
source in the range of 1-20 GHz, on which the structure we created, were shown,
showed that the minimum signal decrease was 14 dB and the maximum was 54 dB.
By using a protective USB REZOTONE, people who worked in highly toxic radioactive and electromagnetic hazardous areas had extraordinary positive health results with no side effects from radiation.
Most amazingly, in many cases it improved wellbeing to a much higher level, following exposure to 5G.
The effect is not limited to EMF, there is a powerful positive effect on all physiological and geo-biological parameters, reducing or removing quite a lot of geopathic zones inside and out. Including Curry and
Hartman Grids.
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I have purchased a Rezotone WATER FILTER in June 2022. I would like to purchase 2 new replacement filters to be ready to replace the original filter as it last for 2-3 years. How do I know the filter needs replacing? Thank you for your help. Blessings
Usually time to change filter after cleaning around 2 000 liters.
When WATER FILTER start to be old, the water will flow slower and not as tasty.
But first you need to open the filter and rinse the cartridge itself from above with a cloth or brush.
Perhaps some deposits have accumulated on the cartridge, iron from the water, for example.
You can clean the cartridge itself and use the water further, but better to change for new filter.
Q: what kind of portable charger possible to use for the REZOTONE ?
It can be phone or special charger, see attach. photo.