Finola Ní Fhoghlu
Dearest Julia, I have tested the new Rezotone 12 and I have found it definitely does work. This weekend I was exposed to a lot of injected people, it didn’t bother me like it had been previously, because Rezotone12 arrived !!! For the past few weeks, my head has been swollen, feeling lethargic after being in close contact with them, energy wiped out and brain sore.
Occasionally when it was a larger group of injected people together, I could feel myself backing away little by little, the pressure inside my head would ever so slightly be there then go away very quickly. When in the supermarket and feeling pressure from large numbers of infected people, I held the Rezotone 12 device and asked it for ‘protection, protection, protection’ and I could feel my whole energy field fill with pure white light. It was incredible.
When I see with my minds eye, these vaccinated people are alike WWII sea mines and emitting negative energy in pulses from the spikes. The Rezotone12 that filled my energy field with white light became the invert of this energy, I could see how it was creating a field around me and also catching the spikes. So cool.
That’s where I am right now, with this technology my life quality has been improved, I can be amongst the injected and feel ok, I am very tuned into energy and previously being near any of them was hurting my whole being.
I give to Rezotone 12 a 90% improvement, which is a miracle in itself. It is absolutely brilliant. I also notice that the injected people’s brains are swollen and its is making them irritable, aggressive and very opinionated (their way or the highway) when I go close to them with this Rezotone 12 device, they are calming down also.
Why 90 %? Because both of Finola’s close family relatives have had two, Sars2 CoVid19, gene editing injections aka ‘vaccines’.
When she is near them she feels a slight effect from their injections ‘vaccines’ simply because her and her close family relatives DNA is identical.
This is why this effect is stronger with ones relatives, the “spikes” are getting a “green light” like an open door to come at her.
The roads here have become very dangerous, especially the older people who got the vaccine shot first, they are driving very erratically. Spacial awareness and logic decaying rapidly. I have stopped seeing clients, only see the very few that are usually children with swollen brains from being around their vaccinated parents and grand parents.
I have the 5G rezotone12 plugged in and the whole place is protected, people come and love the energy and don’t know why. Many are from Dublin (Big Tech HQ) and are bombarded with many many types of disharmonious frequencies, being outdoor in nature with the Rezotone12 frequency is completely healing and uplifting them, they feel great and its beautiful to see.
Have also being using the Q Light generator and it too is helping me a lot, pulsing it into the area of my body that is feeling affected by ” spikes”, was all my brain tissue now its one particular area, and the Q light generator turns it down. Menstrual cycle is also very dense, feels like sludge, feeling pressure there most of the month now and the Q light feels beautiful. (TESTIMONIALS about Q light GENERATOR)
I am learning how to connect with the device, I can see its dynamic and has the ability to reassess itself. Whenever I ask for more protection the white light comes in !!!! Thank you so much for this amazing technology. Really appreciate the opportunity to use it and feel protected in this way.
There is something more going on with those who have had surgery, the blood and wounds seems to amplify the effects, the components of the injection seem to get excited greatly. I also feel that my spirit guides want me to know and experience this so that I can work it out an find solutions. And now with Rezotone 12 it was done!
To date, I have made no effort to find a way to help the injected, my guides tell me not to. That’s my honest feedback to you and the team. Thanks so much for everything you do and all the help you are offering the world. Love the serotonin by the way, it is also helping me hugely at this time. I will be getting some more very soon.
Have a most wonderful day
Best Wishes
Finola Ní Fhoghlu

Sibylle Gabriel, SWISS -ITALY
Since I use the Rezotone UBS stick I sleep much longer and better and I can work longer and thinking is much easier, I am more creative.
I told all my friends and contacts to get a Rezotone without waiting to have a protection when they start with 5G everywhere.
I tested at least 12 protection devices, some were very expensive and had no lasting effect. Only Somavedic and the Cosmic Tower are worth the investment but are much more expensive. Rezotone12 is small and unique. It is the best one considering all characteristics.
My eyesight got better because of Rezotone, I have to change my glasses, -3.25 now -1.75 !!!
Of course this effect could be a in combination with the other devices from Rezotone, the water filter, the pyramid and cards. All smart and easy to use.

From EMF-solutions.com.au
Leslie Waters and Nigel Roper, Sun 17 Oct 2021
My husband (Nigel) and I (Leslie) have been carrying a REZOTONE 12 around our neck for 5 days now. I have turned off all other EMF protection within my business premises and home from that time. Here are our observations to date:
from Leslie:
I have had arthritis in my knees since age 29 and have managed it with magnets and occasional PEMF treatments. Preferring not to have knee replacement surgery. At the time of receiving the REZONTONE 12 I was experiencing medium pain in both knees and stiffness in one of my finger joints every day. Within 24 hours of wearing the REZOTONE 12 I started noticing a reduction in pain in both knees and my finger, by day 3 I have NO pain. This now means I can walk normally without having to walk with an unnatural gait which I did in order to reduce the pain.
Bladder control – for about a year I have felt like there is something pushing on my bladder. I drink a lot of water, so often have to RUN to the bathroom. Pretty much since the first day of wearing the REZOTONE 12 I have not felt that pressure so bathroom trips are more leisurely and fewer and far between. This has made a huge difference to my daily routine, and the one I am most grateful for.
Each night I have to roll over at least once as I am woken up with a burning sensation in the hip on the side that I am sleeping on. After 2 nights with the REZOTONE 12 I found I no longer have to turn over and am waking up in the same position I went to bed in. So my quality of sleep has improved because of this.
After wearing this REZOTONE 12 for 5 days, I have lost 1 kg in weight. I do not easily lose weight, so it was a pleasant surprise. For some reason though, I have felt like eating more fruit since wearing it. I do know that my digestion is not good so maybe this device has improved that as well. Whatever the reason – I am very thankful, as well as very surprised.
In conclusion,
I am loving this device, the many technologies within the REZOTONE 12 are mind blowing. I am a connoisseur of energy medicine devices and most offer one technology, not multiple in one device. Since the mid-late 1980’s I have been collecting many energy medicine devices, hand held devices – some battery operated, some plug in; professional mat systems; magnetic pulsers; Ultra sound; various PEMF; Cold Laser; ALL of the millimeter wave CEM-TECH/SPINOR devices and attachments ; Scenar; The various SPOOKY2 generators; different Miramate devices; different Rife devices; EMF remediation Lasers, and I sell various EMF protection devices. I could literally open a museum. The science and history behind all of these fascinate me.
However….. I must say, because of the size, the results seen thus far, and the ease of use, plus the amount of technologies that are packed into this tiny device… THE REZOTONE 12 is hands down my favourite. It is a game changer.
From Nigel :
I have many issues. I do not sleep well, I toss and turn, have restless leg so I often kick out whilst asleep and breathe loudly and snore most nights, which wakes my wife up. I also have energy problems usually after the middle of the day to mid afternoon. My energy wains so much that I nearly fall asleep whilst driving. So I try to avoid driving during that time of the day. After the 2nd night of wearing the REZOTONE 12 my wife tells me that I am not tossing and turning any more, and there is no more loud or erratic breathing or snoring or leg kicking. That improvement in sleep patterns seems to have translated to more energy during the days. I no longer feel like I need to have a nap after lunch. This is a huge relief.
Most days I have pain in my feet, in my hands and above the knees, and most days take pain killers for relief. Since I started wearing the REZOTONE 12 I have noticed a small and further reduction in pain each day in the area above my knees and in my hands. If this continues, then I can see there will be a time in the near future, when I will be pain free.
I have other issues as well, that I cannot comment on at this time, as I will only know if there is any improvement after future medical tests.
I am pleasantly surprised in the benefits that can be achieved in such little time with such a small, inconspicuous device. I charge it once a day whilst I shower and prepare for bed and then just wear it around my neck the rest of the time. It could not be easier. If it wasn’t so user friendly and hassle free, then I probably would not be using it.
Summary: Before using the REZOTONE 12 my husband and I had a health evaluation based on DNA analysis, and in a week or 2 we will be having a follow up, with a consultation to explain any before and after differences. And because of what I have experienced in just 5 days of wearing the REZOTONE 12, I am expecting to see a marked improvement in the after analysis for us both.
Thank you Julia and the REZOTONE 12 team. I love this device and I think it is a gift at the price. I would recommend that everybody should be wearing one, not only for EMF protection, but also to improve health outcomes.
Best wishes and kind thoughts, Leslie Waters and Nigel Roper.
Beautiful Julia, Thank you so much for the Rezotone 12. My Sleep immediately improved. I’m living in a small apartment, where above and below, vaxxed people are living and sleeping. Protection different than “normal” Rezotone. Adapted to the need at the moment. Thank you so much. I’m using a lot public transport etc. This as well calmer. But for me the number 1 is the excellent sleep I have now. Thank you so much, so much.
I love the green cumb. It came the right time, as i had to buy a new one. Now I got it from heaven. Bless you dear Julia💚. The green necklace is very beautiful. Thank you so much as well 👗. I adore shungite. This beautiful pyramid is phantastic. I can take it with me when giving a class or travelling. It’s not heavy weightwise but extremely effective. 🙏 Thank you.
Much much love to you
Julie Wilde, DENMARK
I have suffered from EHS (electro-hyper-sensitivity) for 17 years, since my mid 20’s. I am extremely sensitive to frequencies. For me, the first 5G Rezotone Shield was a life saver. I experienced a liberty I hadn’t experienced for years. Before then, I was very sick, from EMF from work (I’m a nurse). When I felt worse, I was suffering from 50 different symptoms, everything from memory loss, dizziness, tiredness and fatigue, pain in muscles & nerves, dysesthesia, nausea, migrane, paralysis and so much more.
The Rezotone helped me to the degree, were I became fully functional again in my daily life. I live in the country side without microwaves and low frequency noise as well, and this factor together with the Rezotone was making me fit in a very short amount of time.
I started to heal to point, were I could go to out again, shopping groceries etc. – but I need to have the Rezotone plugged in always, to an external battery, that I carry in my hand bag. It has protected me to an extend, that is beyond! And now with the new Rezotone 12 – with another 12 programs added, I can go to Copenhagen with 5G antennas every were. I am able to go out for diner, join a party or what ever, and I can forget my sensitivity – I still sense everything, but I am not damaged from it like before, I am protected, with the Rezotone 12 and the Angels working to heal us. This USB is highly recommended to all that suffers from EHS! I have tried ALL products on the market throughout the years – there’s so many deceptive and expensive products on the market – but this is the real deal.
“My most loyal and dearest friend Magic, is wearing Rezotone 12 when we go out – because he deserves the best”
I feel very grateful for the help I have recieved and I send warm greetings to the Russian team + to my dear friend Julia

photo “My most loyal and dearest friend Magic, is wearing Rezotone 12 when we go out – because he deserves the best” <3 Julie Wilde

Kay Lindemann, Washington State, USA
Dear Julia, I now have REZOTONE 12 plugged in near my computer area.
It puts out a HUGE field that immediately cleared a lot of energy at first and has now smoothed everything out! My husband and I are thrilled. We are both very skilled at selecting settings on equipment
such as the REZOTONE 12 and are glad to have the options.
Manuela, Zurich, ballettmeister
Beautiful Julia, Thank you so much for the Rezotone 12. My Sleep immediately improved. I’m living in a small apparement in Zurich, where above and below, vaxxed people are living and sleeping. Protection different than “normal” Rezotone. Adapted to the need at the moment. Thank you so much. I’m using a lot public transport etc. This as well calmer. But for me the number 1 is the excellent sleep I have now. Thank you so much, so much.
I love the green comb.Now I got it from heaven. It made amazing instant healing. Bless you dear Julia💚 The green necklace is very beautiful. Thank you so much as well 👗. I adore shungite with this new healing technology inside.. This beautiful pyramid with SSF technology is phantastic. I can take it with me when giving a class or travelling. It’s not heavy weightwise but extremely effective. 🙏 Thank you.
Much much love to you
Nynke, Netherlands
How REZOTONE 12 & ANGELS fixing stuff
****My little refrigerator in hotel was started to make sound—REZOTONE 12 did fix it! Was no more sound !
****Next after few months, my electric tea pot start making sound, REZOTONE 12 again did fix it and sound did stopped.
****Rezotone 12 even did removed viruses from laptop, when was plugged in to phone charger in the same room, where was laptop. This is truly amazing!

Rick, Scotland
“My rezotone arrived very timely! I am not living in a 5G area at the moment, but having it plugged it is making a huge difference in how my mind is still and body feels relaxed when working on my laptop all day. At night time I have it plugged in in my bedroom and especially in the first two weeks I felt a change in my sleep. Deeper, more vivid dreams and feeling more fresh when waking up. I gifted one to my friend, he experiences the same. Also my refrigerator used to make a lot of noise, but since I have the Rezotone plugged in in the house, it has been quiet. I don’t know how it works, but this is truly great side benefit!” Thank you for bringing this product to market.
Much love
Nettie, USA

Darling Julia!
How special and thank you for thinking of me! How are you? I hope all is wonderful! For weeks my REZOTONE has been sitting on my dresser broken. Not long ago my daughter Nayeli was rough with it and the piece that goes into the USB was bent. It was fragile to begin with and after this happened, it would break apart when removing it from the plug. Frustrated I left it on my dresser. After I read your email I decided to look at it. I held it in my hands and said a prayer to the Angels. I worked on it And got the red light to come on! I am happy to have it working again! I just have to be very careful with it. Thanks again for your email!! We have lovingly accepted the new programs and are so grateful!
With Sunshine & Love ️
Dear Nettie,
This is very interesting, we have 2 another women who also have the same effect,
which is prove that we dealing with REAL ANGELS ! And also that 3 of you maybe on higher scale of the energy, which more close to Angels vibrations in Heaven ? : )
Sibylle from Swiss also make REZOTONE with light, but another person can not…
When Lesley keep REZOTONE in her hand she have 2 lights, another woman keep in her hand, have no light. ( Lesley have older version which REZOTONE 7 with the 2 lights for the gasoline saving ).
By the way : All rezotones have this gasoline saving program, scientists did made this small portion with 2 lights before as a trial.
HERE ABOUT LESLEY : My experience with Time Travel, Part 1. Staying on Timeline 1.
From: Lesley Appleby
https://INTREPIDVOYAGERS.com. School of Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Empathy … and Remembering. Helping you remember Past lives, Star Family Lives and SSP Out and Backs.
Dearest Julia,
I had taken a friend to a hospital on the day that almost every staff member (nurses and doctors) had had their first “vaccine” shot. This was in January of 2021. I had not realized that this was dangerous for the spike protein shedding. That night, both my friend and I became extremely ill with gastro-intestinal problems. These problems NEVER went away. No medicine either commercial nor alternative helped cure us. Not even garlic soup and garlic enemas!!
After 3 months if non stop inability to hold food, we were both dying. Our electrolights were down extremely low despite vitamins, organic food, juicing, etc. I could not lift my head off the pillow for many hours at a time, and then barely make it to the bathroom.
We live in the same house and we then each received the rezotone… Not the 12…an earlier version. We plugged them in next to our beds. We immediately felt the connection between the 2 and the dome of protection this created. Within 24 hours, we were both starting to keep food in our stomach. It took about 3 weeks for each of us to regain full health as we were so very ill.
We never go anywhere without our Rezotones and even though they are still the slightly older model, we asked the angels that they shield us from the spike protein as well as all disease. The angels listen! We have both been safe since.
Also, I do readings for healing people. I have discovered that if I hold a rezotone I have even more psychic images flood my mind…but best of all, if both I, and the person for whom I am doing a reading, EACH have a rezotone in our hands, we BECOME TELEPATHIC WITH ONE ANOTHER!!!
Blessings to you, dear Julia for saving our lives, and then helping us begin the ascension transition through these beautiful Rezotones! ❤
JULIA, my dog Babu has HIP DYSPLASIA and SEVERE RHEUMATOID ARTHIRITIS and is slowly using the use of his legs. He is currently 10.5 years old. See the wisdom and pain in his eyes winter time. He is much more responsive since i upgraded to the Rezotone 12 key!
Yesterday dog just lie down on REZOTONE 12 for many hours!
And Babu ran today!! Only a little I have to be careful with him. And he played ball!!!!
A REAL miracle with REZOTONE 12.
If you download the app WE TRANSFER then I can send you a video of him playing ball today and share the magic!!!!!!!
We love you so much!!! And the Rezotone Angels!!! And the scientists!!!
Thank you
Lesley Appleby

Pete and I used the new Rezotones 12 for the first time…WOW! I couldn’t believe what I was feeling…it was amazing…I never felt it with the original Rezotones…it was so strong and so powerful…
And yesterday I went to see a friend who has a new puppy and an old dog…the new puppy slept on my chest (on my Rezotone 12) for hours and the old dog was trying to climb on my lap while I was cuddling the puppy and my legs are a bit scratched and I had to cuddle both of them for ages…they wanted the energy of REZOTONE …it really is AMAZING!
Also, all year with Rezotones plugged in we have EVEN MORE birds here right up to the house…they LOVE the energy even more and have been telling their bird friends. They sit on the roof above where they are plugged in…they never did that before. They are here all the time…just trying to get the energy and protection I am sure!
Thank you so much Julia and the Russian scientists for all that you do to help us all and to keep us rejuvenated and healthy during these evolving times! AMAZING!
My room open to outside all day long now and little lizards running right near the door and wish to go in, but scared, birds always stay right at the balcony and some also flying right in to the room!!! Cat of the owners of the hotel just coming and lie down here near my door all the time and want to be inside…BIRDS, ANIMALS love REZOTONE 12 healthy energy and feel very comfortable around here.
- photos of the boy before:
Boy KIAN can not sleep in GERMANY because of strong 5 G & EMF

and photo after: photo HAPPY KIAN with REZOTONE 12

April & Jay Matta
Hi Julia,
I hope you are doing awesome! I’ve been meaning to connect with you and share my Rezotone results 🙂 For the past yr or so, I’ve had the world’s worst night sweats, literally waking up every single night at the 3:00-4:00 AM hour drenched, sheets and all. It became much worse the last 6 months with all the ascension symptoms and energies off the charts. I was desperate and tried every natural remedy under the sun and nothing worked. It was truly awful and taking a serious toll on my nerves. Then, by the grace of God, you sent the Rezotone. I had no clue what to expect as I never heard of this product prior.
So, I plugged it in the 1st night and miraculously I slept through the entire night!! At first, I thought it was a fluke. So, the next night I tried it again, and woke up – but much less of the night sweats.
By day three, I was cured!! LOL. And, since then have not had a single night sweat. You can not out a price on a great night’s sleep. I can not thank you enough. This product has been such a blessing and I am so grateful beyond words.
Many Blessings of Love, Health, & Prosperity,
Hi Everyone,
I like to share my personal experience with Rezotone 11 and normal Rezotone.
Normal Rezotone.
First I have the first Rezotone USB and I have to say that we are so grateful we have got
it because I no longer feel the negative effects of EMF. I carried my USB rezotone with
me everywhere I go. We also have one plugged in, in each room. Since I am hyper
sensitive and have learned to listen to my body I use the guidance of my left ear to
detect EMF and so I no longer bother using an EMF meter reader.
If I forget to plug in the rezotone and if it is a cloudy or rainy day I noticed that the level
of EMF seems to increase as if someone on purposely turn up the frequency, much
higher than usual. The EMF bombardment is strong. When it is stormy weather it is even
worst. My left ear would start to warm up and become really “hot” to the point of
becoming uncomfortable. So I would move around the house to see where the EMF ray
comes from and of course it would be exactly coming right directly from a tower at some
distance from my home. The tower is not close to my home but still the EMF
bombardment is still there. When this happens I would put the USB rezotone next to my
ear to calm it down and the sensation just disappear immediately after a few seconds.
Rezotone 11.
This one has extra wonderful features. For example, I would plug it for 20mn in the
charger and would lie down and tune in into the Rezotone 11 for 45mn or sometimes
30mn or sometimes longer. Just as it was explained in the Rezotone manual 11. What I
was very surprised with, is that the programs in the Rezotone 11 really works. It helps
the body to calm down and it does it magical work at the background.
After just a few minutes of doing the rezotone healing session, I can feel in my body all
the subtle flow of various energies balancing and adjusting the subtle bodies. I use both
lights, the purple and the red. While this takes place, I use this opportunity to then do
my own inner work with my cells or go into mediation.
The last 15mn of the rezotone 11 program leaves a beautiful feeling at the end of the
It also adjust any small ailment as I noticed within myself. For example, once I had a
toothache and was planning to visit the dentist. However in the meantime I had a
session with the rezotone and stayed little longer than 45mn. After the session my
toothache was gone as if the program was also repairing it.
What I love with rezotone 11 is that I can change at will the program from the violet (or
blue) light to the red light depending of what I want to experience. It is such a wonderful
protector from the EMF with wonderful healing modalities, so versatile.
Hopefully my feedback may be of help to those who may still wonder. I have bought so
many other products before I found rezotone, even have house full of Shungite, etc But
my body intuitive guidance system is much more in harmony with Rezotone. The level of
protection is not at all the same.
Please note this is my personal own experience as I am hyper sensitive to EMF.
Everyone will react differently according to their own system set up.
With much gratitude to all the scientists and team behind Rezotone. Thank you for all
your wonderful work.
Christiane from Australia
HERE are 3 photos:in REZOTONE USB program which make hair grow very fast, nails started very strong…photo of the hair: 2019, 2020, and 2021…

Mike Fish
I have had a rezotone shield for many years and don’t go anywhere without it. It has healed me and my family in so many ways I can’t thank you enough. I live in New York USA and am interested in info on the Q light generator I’m super excited about what it can do having experienced first hand the magic of the Rezotone. Also I heard there is a new rezotone (12) with more programs, can you tell me more about this also?Thank you so much for all your hard work god bless you all.
Diane, USA
I have noticed that when I go to pray for someone or send healing, while holding my Rezotone in my hands, it greatly magnifies the intensity of my prayers. It is very very powerful. It is like a close friend, I feel lots of love with it and I talk to it as well. 🙂 That love and healing gets sent to others.And ps: my Rezotone was accidentally put in the washing machine and dryer and is still working!
Karla, Colorado City, USA, May 2023
Dear Sweet Julia, about REZOTONE 12:
The Rezotone has saved my life!! Literally!! Before I got mine REZOTONE, I would immediately start cramping and bleeding whenever I would go around anyone Covid jabbed.
I’ve had two miscarriages just by hugging people Covid jabbed. I started bleeding the same night. This was before we got our Rezotone12s. One Covid jabbed person almost killed me, I had to get transferred by ambulance lights and sirens and have an emergency d&c. As well as had to get blood transfusions, unfortunately. I was passing clots bigger than the palms of my hands. It was so scary !! On the ambulance they had to try 7 times to get an IV, they kept saying there’s no blood, go faster, her veins keep collapsing. The whole time I could feel clots still plopping out of me, they felt just like heads. We buried our little Angel baby, which I lost that terrible day in our backyard, on Christmas last year. The other one I was only 6 wks and it wasn’t quite as bad. But I’m so extremely grateful to be alive!! God and my Angels are so good to me; my Angels definitely have been there protecting me and keeping me alive for my 4 kiddos. I have an extremely rare blood type-RH B negative, I’ve found out it’s a hybrid mix with the angelic beings which is why I’m so sensitive to the shedding and it affected me the way it did, before we got our Rezotone12s. My 4 children would also get so sick every time without fail whenever they’d go around anyone Covid jabbed or anyone that hung around the Covid jabbed. My 10 year old twin girls would start cramping instantly like myself. My two sons’ penises would get extremely red and sore underneath almost instantly. My husband would get an extremely fuzzy weird tingling feeling in his throat and nose before we got our Rezotone12s. Him and myself could feel our brains swelling so bad as well, before we got Rezotones. We prayed and prayed and I didn’t hardly ever leave my house for about 2 years straight, because I was so scared of being exposed to it. My husband got all the groceries and ran all the errands because he wasn’t affected as bad as I was. He has a different blood type, RH positive. Then my husband just stumbled upon the RESOTONE website; we are SO thankful for being guided to them! They have been life changing! My entire big birth family of 12 is jabbed, except one sister and my dad. They all think I’ve gone crazy because of how it’s affected me. They say the jabs don’t shed, they don’t understand at all. That’s okay though. I know I’m my heart what is true and what we need to do. We avoid them all now, as hard as it was at first. But everything happens for a reason. So it’s truly a blessing in disguise. Now we are able to go around the public with no problems (but still avoid it unless absolutely necessary), because of the protection from our Rezotone12s. REZOTONES do SO much more than just that, though. Our lives have changed completely since getting them. And my children don’t get sick anymore whenever they’re exposed to it as well since they each have theirs and the protection from it. We all feel so much better, safer and healthier! I can still feel if anyone that’s Covid jabbed is close by me, the humming vibrations coming off them; but it doesn’t affect me like it used to before I got my Rezotone12. So thankful for it!! We wear them on our solar plexus chakra, that’s the best place since it’s the main energy center of the body. My husband and I as well as our 4 children each have a Rezotone; we even bought an extra to leave plugged in our home for extra protection!